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Everything posted by rtiel

  1. I,ve a column tickets row1 10 row2 20 row3 40 Is it posible in a ad hoc view to create a calculated measusre with the cumulative results of each row? so a column like: row1 10 row2 30 row3 70 Thnx Remco
  2. Thnx for your answer, I've tried it with success, all works well now. Remco
  3. When I install the bundled version of Jaspersoft report server 7.1.0 on a windows 2016 server I keep getting an error: error running initdb.exe -U postgres -E UTF8 -D "E:/Jaspersoft/jasperreportsserver-7.1.0/postgressql/data": child killed: unknown signal I've used a domain admin as well a local admin account. Also I tried to install it on C: to no avail. When the error exists during the install the location "E:/Jaspersoft/jasperreportsserver-7.1.0/postgressql/data" dows not exist. Firewall is disabled and there's no virusscanner and UAC is disabled (https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/error-running-initdbexe-u-postgres-e-utf8-d) How to fix this?? Thnx Remco
  4. In OpenStudio 6.2 I've created a working report with a Web Service Data Source, a connection is established and I receive all the required data. When I publish this report to the server and run the report I receive an error. In the jasperserver.log I see the following which indicates a connection is not established: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: hostname in certificate didn't match: <chasse.yesplan.nl> != <*.yesplan.be> OR <*.yesplan.be> OR <yesplan.be> The valid third party certicate includes the domains: yesplan.nl and *.yesplan.nl. Is this a bug in the Web Service Data Source plugin, it all works in Jaspersoft Open Studio 6.2 but not on the Jasperserver? I've include the SSL certicate to the Java keystore to no avail... Remco
  5. In Jaspersoft Studio 6.2.1 I've created a JSON file data adapter with a URL like: https://localhost/api/events/date%3A06-01-2009?api_key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This works well, but I want to use a parameter in this URL like: https://localhost/api/events/date%3A +$P{Datum}+ ?api_key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX So far I'm unable to get this to work, is this possible and if so how do I implement this? Thnx Remco
  6. I've Jaspersoft Server Pro 5.5.0 running and have a problem with saving the result of an ad hoc view as X. When running the ad hoc view as superuser I can save the result as eg xlsx, but when running the ad hoc view as an user and save the result as eg xlsx an error message appears: Error Messagejava.lang.RuntimeException: An error occurred while performing the previous request.............. All users have read/write permissions on the ad hoc view. What am I missing or is this a bug? Thnx Remco
  7. I've the same issue, I just upgraded from 5.2 to 5.5.0. In 5.2 all works well but in 5.5.0 the pie chart hyperlink is not working anymore. Hyperlink on a field does work however... Remco
  8. We're using Jasperserver 5.01 and iReport. To create a drill down report one can use a hyperlink with Parameter Name:_report and Link Parameter:"/[path to report]". This all works well but I was wondering if it's possible to use a dynamic Link Parameter value so if the reports are moved to another folder the report still will run . Thnx Remco
  9. Is there a way to check if a report is being used so I can delete the obsolete reports? Thnx Remco
  10. In iReport I've a report with in the summary band a table. In the pageheader band I want to see the number of records returned in the table. For this I use the variable $V{REPORT_COUNT} with Evaluation Time set on Report which returns a number of 250.000 which are the total number of records in the entire table. However I want the number of records returned by the query of the Dataset of that table, how can I accomplish that? Thnx Remco
  11. I've an inputcontrol with Value Column:Value1. In visible Query Columns I've added Value1 and Value2. In the Report title I've added $P{[inputcontrol]} to the band and obviously Value1 is returned when I run the report. But I need Value2, how can I do this? Thnx Remco
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