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Posts posted by plambert_1

  1. What you do want to do is not clear. Are you using Community version?

    - If you want to display the report visualizer as with jasperserver you will need to use HTTP APIs ie. Iframes
    - If you want to be able to generate documents with the choice of the format use rest_v2/reports/<path_to_report>.<format>
    Thanks to rest APIs you can generate reports easily and put it into your web page and handle your logic.
    -  if you are using professional version you could also use visualize.js

  2. Can you provide further information ? 

    - How long dures the query execution process for both ?
    - Why do you need a subreport ? Cant you have both Month and year in one query and then use groups of jasperreports?
    - In which banc did you put your subreport?

  3. With this token you are following the expected format as described in the applicationContext : 


    <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.security.externalAuth.wrappers.spring.preauth.JSPreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider">                    <property name="preAuthenticatedUserDetailsService">                        <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.security.externalAuth.preauth.MTJSPreAuthenticatedUserDetailsService">                            <!-- Token format configuration example for token: u=obama|r=PRESIDENT,HUSBAND|o=WhiteHouse|pa1=USA,Kenya|pa2=Washington -->                            <property name="tokenPairSeparator" value="|"/>                            <property name="tokenFormatMapping">                                <map>                                    <entry key="username" value="u" />                                    <entry key="roles" value="r" />                                    <entry key="orgId" value="o" />                                    <entry key="expireTime" value="exp" />                                    <entry key="profile.attribs" >                                        <map>                                            <entry key="profileAttrib1" value="pa1" />                                            <entry key="profileAttrib2" value="pa2" />                                        </map>                                    </entry>                                </map>                            </property>                            <property name="tokenExpireTimestampFormat" value="yyyyMMddHHmmssZ"/>                        </bean>                    </property>                </bean>[/code]

    Now if you need to map an external Role walue to an internal at Organization level value you need to define the Role Map there : 


    <bean id="mtExternalUserSetupProcessor" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.security.externalAuth.processors.MTExternalUserSetupProcessor" parent="abstractExternalProcessor">        <property name="userAuthorityService">            <ref bean="${bean.internalUserAuthorityService}"/>        </property>        <property name="organizationRoleMap">            <map>                <!-- Example of mapping customer roles to JRS roles -->                <!--<entry>                    <key>                        <value>ADMIN_EXTERNAL_ORGANIZATION</value>                    </key>                    <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</value>                </entry>-->            </map>        </property>        <property name="defaultInternalRoles">            <list>                <value>ROLE_USER</value>            </list>        </property>        <property name="permittedRolesRegex">            <list>                <value>JRS_.*</value>                <value>EXT_.*</value>            </list>        </property>    </bean>[/code]

    adding |* at the end of the internal Role Name Value to inform this Role must be defined at Organization Level.

  4. can you check if this is the de_DE or another one ?

    because switching to german locale I do have everything translated...


  5. You will need to use Groups and Variables if you do not want to use SQL.

    1. Create a group with an expression : $V{REPORT_COUNT}%2+1
    2. Create a variable : ($V{REPORT_COUNT}%2==1)?$F{occupied}:-$F{occupied}  (assuming occupied is an Integer)
    • Calculation: SUM
    • Incrementation : Group
    • Reset : Report

    Then Drag the Variable into the Group footer (or Detail) set the Evaluation Time to Group you will get the expected result.

    FYI $V{REPORT_COUNT} is like a row count .

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