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  1. Hi, thanks for your reply. Ok i can give print when expression by Page number. but in which band i need to use image. Becuase Image should be fixed to first page but as i mentione above subReport contents are dynamic. If I use Image in Detail band,image will be displayed at the end of the report not at the end of first page. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi, I wanted to display the Image at the bottom of first page, means image should be fixed at the bottom and displayed before Page footer contents in the PDF. I want to display in following format. Page1: Page Header contents Subreports contents... Image(needs to be displayed) PageFooter contents. Page2: PageHeader contents Subreportscontents..(continued from page1) PageFooter Contents.. Please someone help to display the Image at bottom of first page.
  3. The design used is FirstGroupheader detail1 detail2 Second GroupHeader Deatil1 Detail2 Detail3 The first group is displaying correctly in first page. and second group is moving to second page by leaving more space in first page.I want to display at least header and Detail1 of second group should display in first Page. Regards, Raji.
  4. Hi Ankur, The requirement is like for a group only one header should be there.If i use the' Reprint Header' option,it will print the header in each page but yes it will use the space in the page. Do you have any other solution to this . thanks alot for the solution. Regards, Raji
  5. Hi Ankur, The requirement is like for a group only one header should be there.If i use the' Reprint Header' option,it will print the header in each page but yes it will use the space in the page. Do you have any other solution to this . thanks alot for the solution. Regards, Raji
  6. Hi, I Have a Subreport with 7 detail bands, included in Main Report. In My SubReport, I have set the 'KeepToGether' property in order to Keep the Group Header along with the Detail Bands. Each Detail band present in the Group are included in the Frame.My Problem is If the First Group which consumes only 25% of the PDF Page is displayed in the first page, the next group which consumes more than 75% of PDF is shifted to the next page, leaving behind 75% of the first page empty. I wanted to Know if there is any solution to accomodate or continue the Second Group within the First Page, so that 75% of the space left over in first page fills up. Please let me know if any further information is needed.Regards, Raji
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