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Everything posted by timy2

  1. Hi, I'm currently using jaspersoft along with amazon redshift. My problem is though that when ever i try to view one of my adhocs or even create a domain, jaspersoft runs extremely slow. After looking at out ec2 instance, its telling us that their no load on our system at all, running at less 1% cpu usage and less than a gig of ram. Is there a reason why this could be happening and if so, what is the best course of action to fix the problem . Cheers
  2. Hello, I'm currently creating a dervied table within my domain, however when using more than one inner join within a sub query I get the error Transaction is read only. Has anyone came across this issue before and if so could anyone suggest how to rectify the issue. Cheers
  3. Hi Ajinkya, Thats good to know, im using amazon redshift to store my data and connecting through that. Cheers
  4. Hi there, Im in the middle of creating a report using an ad hoc. However when it comes to grouping our data, we need to do this by week. Is this possiable or will need to look into a diffreant way of creating our report? Cheers
  5. Hello im currently running this query (see below) in devrived tables when creating a domain in jaspersofts bi aws suite. However when i do i get the following error "Cannot execute JDBC Query. org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: transaction is read-only ." Can anyone explain why and point me in the right direction. Cheers SELECT company.companyStatus, company.CompanyId, company.companyName, count(distinct users.userid) as TotalUsers,sum(case when UserStatusID = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as ActiveUsers,sum( case when UserStatusID= 3 then 1 else 0 end) as SuspendedUsers, (Select COUNT (distinct usersessionid) From UserSession inner join users on usersession.UserID=users.UserIDwhere usersession.UserID=users.UserID and users.companyid= company.CompanyID) as TotalLogin, (Select COUNT( Name) From Template inner join merchendisingmodule on Template.TemplateID= merchendisingmodule.TemplateId inner join Project on Template.ProjectID= Project.ProjectID where Template.TemplateID=merchendisingmodule.TemplateId and Project.companyid= company.CompanyID)as CurrentModules, (Select count(merchendisingmodule.CreatedDate) from merchendisingmodule inner join Template on Template.TemplateID= merchendisingmodule.TemplateId inner join Project on Template.ProjectID= Project.ProjectID where Template.TemplateID=merchendisingmodule.TemplateId and Project.companyid= company.CompanyID)as ModulesCreated, (Select count(merchendisingmodule.UpdatedDate) from merchendisingmodule inner join Template on Template.TemplateID= merchendisingmodule.TemplateId inner join Project on Template.ProjectID= Project.ProjectID where Template.TemplateID=merchendisingmodule.TemplateId and Project.companyid= company.CompanyID)as ModulesUpdated, (Select COUNT(merchendisingarea.merchendisingareaid) from merchendisingarea inner join Project on Project.ProjectID= merchendisingarea.ProjectID where Project.ProjectID=merchendisingarea.ProjectID and Project.companyid= company.CompanyID) as Currentareas, (Select COUNT (merchendisingarea.name) from merchendisingarea inner join Project on Project.ProjectID= merchendisingarea.ProjectID where Project.ProjectID=merchendisingarea.ProjectID and Project.companyid= company.CompanyID) as AreasCreated, (select COUNT (merchendisingarea.UpdatedDate) from merchendisingarea inner join Project on Project.ProjectID = merchendisingarea.ProjectID where Project.ProjectID=merchendisingarea.ProjectID and Project.companyid= company.CompanyID) as AreasUpdated, (Select SUM ( case when merchendisingarea.PublishStatus = 1 then 1 else 0 end) from merchendisingarea inner join PublishingStatus on PublishingStatus.PublishStatusId = merchendisingarea.PublishStatus inner join Project on merchendisingarea.ProjectID = Project.ProjectID where PublishingStatus.PublishStatusId=merchendisingarea.PublishStatus and Project.companyid= company.CompanyID) as SuccessPublished, (Select SUM ( case when merchendisingarea.PublishStatus = 3 then 1 else 0 end) from merchendisingarea inner join PublishingStatus on PublishingStatus.PublishStatusId= merchendisingarea.PublishStatus inner join Project on merchendisingarea.ProjectID = Project.ProjectID where PublishingStatus.PublishStatusId=merchendisingarea.PublishStatus and Project.companyid= company.CompanyID) as FailedPublished from Company inner join users on users.companyid=company.companyid group by company.companyStatus, company.companyid, company.companyname
  6. Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I am currently creating a chart with one measure but I would like to create mutiple filters off this to get certain results. My problem is however is when I go to create this, my results come back 0 when adding a secound filter of the same type (Contains). And so if some could guide me in the right direction, it would very much be appreciated. Cheers
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