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Everything posted by himanshu.rawat

  1. I am trying to dynamically generate bar charts using Scriptlets and JRBeanCollectionDataSource. TEST_DATA_SOURCE is a java.util.Listhaving objects, populated by the Scriptlet. Object contains field as defined in the subDataset. Issue : JRXML code snippet :
  2. Below link provided answer with code snippet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18995487/jasperreports-iterating-list-inside-jrxml/19046250#19046250
  3. Hello Experts, In one of my report requirements, I need to show mutliple rows with customized data. For customized data, I used REPORT_SCRIPTLET feature which is filling a List with data objects. Till this point everything works. How can I pass the above filled List to JRXML, and iterate over rows to show them in the report? I did searched and found few posts and as per them, I should used SubReport with Data Source. Please help in achieving the goal. I am not able to find concrete samples or syntax for the above problem. Thanks in advance!! Regards, Rawat
  4. I am trying to generate the jasper report with Table component. But no data is getting displayed in generated PDF file.In iReports it is working fine. No error!! Please tell what I am doing wrong here? Data source : JavaBeans ( POJO ) ; requisite jar files are already in classpath.JRXML file ( org-report.jrxml attached ) report.log ( attached )
  5. Hi Thomas, Thank you for the reply. I will try that. Cheers, Rawat
  6. Hi All, Is there a way to read directory recursively and its contents? Below sample example can provide more details on my objective. Directory : /opt/opennms/share/rrd/snmp/2 , following directories are created ls -DR umOrgIndex/ umOrgIndex/: 0 101 103 107 111 112 115 119 umOrgIndex/0: strings.properties umOrgMsgsDiskUsage.jrb umOrgMsgsSize.jrb umOrgIndex/101: strings.properties umOrgMsgsDiskUsage.jrb umOrgMsgsSize.jrb umOrgIndex/103: strings.properties umOrgMsgsDiskUsage.jrb umOrgMsgsSize.jrb umOrgIndex/107: strings.properties umOrgMsgsDiskUsage.jrb umOrgMsgsSize.jrb umOrgIndex/111: strings.properties umOrgMsgsDiskUsage.jrb umOrgMsgsSize.jrb umOrgIndex/112: strings.properties umOrgMsgsDiskUsage.jrb umOrgMsgsSize.jrb umOrgIndex/115: strings.properties umOrgMsgsDiskUsage.jrb umOrgMsgsSize.jrb umOrgIndex/119: strings.properties umOrgMsgsDiskUsage.jrb umOrgMsgsSize.jrb Next I was trying to use them in reports ( jrxml ). Reports will be having rows/columns like below Org Id / Org Name / Org Disk Usage / Org Message Size 0 test.com 45 % 300 101 test2.com 75 % 450 103 test3.com 20 % 100For jrb files, I will use query string as "jrobin". string.properties have org name like test.com, test2.com etcetera. Please tell me how it can be done. Thanks in advance. Regards, Rawat
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