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  1. I have some issues with the mailNotification in xml code. This is my code: (mailnotification) (messagetext)This is your scheduled report(/messagetext) (resultsendtype>SEND_ATTACHMENT(/resultsendtype) (subject>You have a new Report!(/subject) (toaddresses>email@email.com(/toaddresses) (mailnotification) The resultSendType is not working correctly because is not saving the SEND_ATTACHMENT. When I create the job it only saves SEND and dont attachs the PDF report. Please if someone knows how to fix this error let me know. Thanks,
  2. You just need to do this: ParameterName ParameterValue Remember: xsi:type='xs:int' it's different if you are using dates, strings, or what ever. Hope this helps. Regards,
  3. You just need to do this: (parameters) (name)ParameterName(/name) (value xsi:type='xs:int' xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance')ParameterValue(/value)(/parameters) Remember: xsi:type='xs:int' it's different if you are using dates, strings, or what ever and replace '(' and ')' TO the correct syntax. Hope this helps. Regards,
  4. You just need to do this: ParameterName ParameterValue Remember: xsi:type='xs:int' it's different if you are using dates, strings, or what ever. Hope this helps. Regards,
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