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Everything posted by aprilevans587

  1. There are many posts on the image blurring issue in Jasper Report. Here I just pick one, hope it can make the image viewed clearer.http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16306880/jasperreports-images-are-always-blurry By the way, I like your smile, very sunshiny.http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tounge_smile.gif
  2. So the Code 39 barcode font embeded in the Excel hurdles the Hindi Font work correctly? Apart from Hindi font, do other fonts in your Excel work correctly?
  3. You need to use the background band to insert background image into PDF. Resize your image to be the appropriate size so you can use it. After doing that... Export to PDF and you should see the background image. Export to XHTML and you should see the background image.http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tounge_smile.gif Source comes from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7953705/ireport-import-background-image
  4. You can try the Jasper iReport exporting function to display it in pdf format. Following link may be not so proper but it can definitely help you a little. Good luck.http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8568945/export-jasperreport-to-pdf-outputstream
  5. Export to PPTX works well in Jasper Reports, but some how its a missing when come to Jasper Server. There is a post which offers some comments for this PDF exporting & reading issue. Hope it help you a little. http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/522934/exporters-doc-ooxml-ppt-xls-and-so
  6. Have you read this documentation: since you create PDF using Ad Hot View, so I think this tutorial may help you. It talks about the document imaging filter panel but does not mention too much about the PDF exporting issue. Hope it can help a little. http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jasperreports-server-ad-hoc-viewer-reference
  7. "Try to convert the doc into excel and than use the excel as datasource in ireport. Edit: Based on OP's comment. You can not use a Microsoft word file as a JasperReport template. You will need to create a JRXML file for JasperReports. It is possible to use rtf or html as source for text fields but the final formating of such field is rather pure. Your other option is to not user JasperReports and manipulate the Microsoft Word files directly using Apache Poi." "Documents embedding is not supported in JR. You can create and concatenate documents using JR, starting from report templates. If your pdf document was created & saved starting from a jrxml file, then this jrxml file could be used again to generate either a subreport to be included in your final document, or as standalone document to be concatenated with other documents, using the batch export facility." Hope it can help you a little.
  8. Hey, Lange. If above solution solved your PDF reading issue, please mark it as a right answer. By the way, when you are creating PDF file, the bold function works well, right?
  9. Does gif image is the only format that you can not read from created PDF file? What about other imaging files, like png and tiff?
  10. Hey, I did not know the answer of your question. But I am on a similar project. I want to know that when we E-mail others with PDF attachment. In general, people can directly read the PDF file by clicking attached PDF file, right. But my client said they cannot open and read PDFon E-mail. But they can open it after they download it to computer. Have you met similar issue?
  11. Have you tried other image format, like gif? In general, png, gif, jpeg and bmp image file are in the same category. But as for tiff image format, the programming method seems to be different. May be you can refer to some TIFF image reading SDK to find out the reason. Hope it will help you a little.
  12. I am confused. What barcode generating library are you using? You used barcoding control 1 to solve the problem of barcoding control 2?
  13. But if I want to generate linear barcodes with fixed width/height ratio, say, 1.5, what should I do?
  14. from my own experience, I think you can google like barcode generator for Jasper Reports. Then you can download some barcode generating sdks. Compare them and find the most cost-effective one. This work can be done only by yourself.
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