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  1. getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal in BasePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter returns null when no token is sent and so the principal is changed which invalidates the session. When there is no token getPreAuthenticatedPrincipal should return the authenticated user instead.
  2. When I add these properties it is not possible to login in the GUI anymore. I see that the authentication succeeds and there is a redirect to loginsuccess.html but then the Login page is displayed again. Do I miss something here? see also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5011540/spring-security-preauthentication-checkforprincipalchanges-bug
  3. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Closed
  4. Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous It seems to be solved already in the source but the fix is missing in 5.5.
  5. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 The menu item _Show columns _ works though. After all hidden columns are displayed by using this menu item, it is possible to hide/show an initially hidden column.
  6. This can happen if you import a theme, which you created based on an old default theme. At least this was the case for me. See comment above.
  7. I can reproduce this bug when I use my own theme. In firebug I get "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://localhost:8080/server/_themes/DF1CBAC4/images/banner_bkgd2.png" When I switch to the default theme, the drop down box works perfectly.
  8. Changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Resolved Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous
  9. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 This is fixed in 5.5 so I close this one.
  10. Is it possible to localize report names and description in the report server repository view? I did not find any documentation. Cheers ANPY
  11. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 It seems the user name have to be unique as well. But it is possible to create a user with user ID only and without a user name.
  12. Is it is still not possible to localize report names and description in the report server repository? Cheers ANPY
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