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Everything posted by lefty.kreouzisrtfm.gr

  1. Dear all Does anyone know how to rearrange reports groups order in Jaspersoft Studio? In iReports you could right click on the group and select Move Group up or down. I recently had to modify a report to add a new group and the new group was created at. I was unable to find how to rearrange the groups so I ended up opening the report in iReports and moving it there. I refuse to think that there is no way of doing it in Studio but I am damned if find out how Thanks Lefty
  2. I had the same issue in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 bit and found the answer here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-studio/issues/3343 The problem can be fixed by adding the following line into: /opt/jaspersoft/jaspersoftstudiopro-5.6.2.final/configuration/config.ini org.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=mozilla After this the online help didn't work but at least I could work with Jaspersoft studio Hope that helps
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