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Everything posted by sweety_meenakshee

  1. Hi we are trying ot generate a report which would display employees grouped in one place according to their departments. And each department's employee related data should be displayed in a sepearte PDF file. I have followed the below mentioned URL. But, unable to get the required functionality. http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/518101/exporting-report-multiple-files did not understand where or at which location to useJRExporterParameter.PAGE_INDEX export parameter. Any help would be great help. Kindly, respond.
  2. Hi, I am tring to connect HBASE with jasperreports-server-5.0.1, I have CHD4 and hbase-0.92.1 installed on my system. I have installed HBasePlugin-0.5.1.nbm plugin in iReport. I have followed all the steps given to http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/hadoop-hbase when I write the following Query { "tableName" : "blogposts", "deserializerClass" : "com.jaspersoft.hbase.deserialize.impl.ShellDeserializer" } in iReport, I am getting the following error- Message: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: scan request failed with 404 Level: SEVERE Stack Trace: scan request failed with 404 com.jaspersoft.hadoop.hbase.query.HBaseQueryWrapper.(HBaseQueryWrapper.java:178) com.jaspersoft.hadoop.hbase.HBaseFieldsProvider.getFields(HBaseFieldsProvider.java:50) com.jaspersoft.ireport.hbase.designer.HBaseFieldsProvider.getFields(HBaseFieldsProvider.java:57) com.jaspersoft.ireport.hbase.connection.HBaseConnection.readFields(HBaseConnection.java:185) com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.wizards.ConnectionSelectionWizardPanel.validate(ConnectionSelectionWizardPanel.java:146) org.openide.WizardDescriptor$7.run(WizardDescriptor.java:1357) org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:572) org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:997) Please reply ASAP, its urjent.
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