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  1. Thanks Elizam !!! This is working fine now. I was doing it from the JasperReport Server User Guide. In that, only Groovy example is given. I am using 5.0.1 version. I tried with TestProfileAttribute earlier, but it was working. I dont know why?? Can you tell me what is the difference between this two - 1) <![CDATA[authentication.principal.attributes.any{it.attrName in ['Cities'] }]]> 2) <![CDATA[authentication.getPrincipal().getAttributes().any{it.getAttrName() in ['ProductDepartment'] }]]> There is no such reason for using Groovy, I wanted to apply security using Profile Attribute and I got example of groovy. Thanks once again !!
  2. Hi, I am defining domain security using profile attribute, but i am not able to do it. below is my security file. Can anyone tell me what is missing in this file? <resourceAccessGrant id="JoinTree_1__row_grant"> <principalExpression> <![CDATA[authentication.getPrincipal().getAttributes().any{ it.getAttrName() in ['storecity'] }]]> </principalExpression> <filterExpression>public_store.store_city in (groovy('authentication.getPrincipal().getAttributes().find{ it.attrName == "storecity" }.attrValue'))</filterExpression> </resourceAccessGrant> Thanks,
  3. Hi Ajinkya, This is a Hierarchy Level , not any Measure?? Can you please explain me how to use function on Levels ??? Thanks,
  4. Hi Ajinkya, I tried with integer also, but still I am getting the same output as before.
  5. Hi,Can anybody tell me how can I format values in Drill Through table? i.e. I am seeing value as 6.000000 instead of 6. My datatype is Number and there is 0 precision defined for it. But still in Drill Through table I am getting 6.000000 ? This is a Hierarchy Level in my Schema. When i perform a drill through on my pivot table, i saw that my values are in decimal and in pivot they are normal.How can I format this value??
  6. Hi, I want to implement security in Jasper Analysis. With the help of Domain, I am able to implement row level and column level security. But I would like to achieve it in OLAP Schema. For Example :- In my DB there are n number of Organization so I want superuser to access all the oranization data, but If Org1 user do login then he should see on Org1 Data and so on. Currently , I have achieved it but i have created different roles for the same, So if i have 10 organization then i have created 10 roles for the same. Can it be possible with profile attribute or any different method?? Please help.
  7. hi, @ajinkya_c Can you please explain in detail, as I want to create hyperlink on chart area ; not on any bar or column or slice ??
  8. Hi, I want to give hyperlink in HTML 5 Chart, so that If I click anywhere in the chart area , that should be redirected to the different report. How can I achieve this in iReport? Thanks,
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