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  1. I also please need a answer to this can't find a solution anywhere !!! Simular question here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21572104/suppress-all-subreports-when-exporting-to-csv-or-xls-in-jasperserver
  2. Currently my Jasperserver login page looks like this jasperLoginExample I am using CAS to Login so the Jasperserver login no longer works All I need to do is change the jasperserver login so that when it is loaded it will automatically redirect the user to "https://cas.nwu:8443/cas-server-webapp" NOTE: I am using jasperserver-pro 5.0.1
  3. The short Version: Im looking for a varuble I can pass along with a hyperling so that the input control screen isn't loaded (something like this ...&loadInputControl=false) The long version: I have a drill down report (lets say reportONE) with input controles that need to be populated When report is run the 1st time the input control screen appears and after the user enters and runs the report, the user can then drill down to the drill down report (let say reportTWO) Once in the drill down report (reportTWO) the user can click a back link wich takes the user back to the 1st report (reportONE) What is currently happeneing is the 1st report (reportONE) input controle is loaded with the parameters sent from the drill down report (reportTWO) But what I want is for the report to automaticaly run when it is called from the drill down report (reportTWO) a.k.a skip the input controle screen EXTRA: I'm useing iReport 5.0.0 I'm using hyperlinks to drill down/up to the report If i disable the "Always prompt" option for input controles then the user won't see the input controll screen the 1st time the report is run
  4. I only have 1 problem. I cant seem to send through a java.util.Collection type (or java.util.List), The parameter is declared on boath reports and is set to same type everywhere It just shows Null
  5. What should I use as "_report" Expression ? The Tree my reports are in is "Root/NWU/CurriculumManagement/APD5/"
  6. All I want to do is create a Drill down report from say report "one" to report "two" I can't find ANY Documentation or examples on how to use Hyperlink Type ReportExecution for Jasperserver It all seems straight forward but it doesn't work (parameters aren't sent through) HOW ITS CURRENTLY SETUP: Target is set to "Self" Type is set to "ReportExecution" In reference tab I have correct link (it links to drill-down report successfully) "./flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=%2FNWU%2FStudentInformation%2FCurriculumManagement%2FAPQIBI005drill" Anchor and page tab is empty (have no Idea what to put here since I cant find any Docs on it) Link parameters have values in that should work but aren't (double checked everything here many times) campusAndFaculty | $P{campusAndFaculty}campus | $F{cn_campusname.cn_campusid} Tooltip Tab is empty What am I doing wrong ? why aren't the params being sent through ? NOTE: Using Jasperserver-pro 5.0.1 & Using iReport 5.0.0 I also know of the sample report (/Reports/Samples/Employee List report.),but our server doesn't have any sample reports
  7. I want to send a array of ID's of unknown length through a URL (array can contain anything from 1 to 15 ID's) MORE DETAILS: Currently I am sending Parameters through like this ...&date=2012/02/02&VEFactorSelection=3&nameType=2 This works fine for Variables that can only have a single value (String, Int, Date etc.) But I now need to send a array through and be able to read it again How do I do this? MORE INFO: The data is being sent from one report to the drill down report (JasperReports Server 5.0.1) I'm using iReport 5.0.0 for reports creation
  8. Is there a applicationContext-cas-security.xml file in Clean (Default) Jasperserver ? I Can't seem to find it...
  9. Don't Know if this will help but check it out http://blog.seyfi.net/2012/01/how-to-cas-enable-jasperserver-in-5.html?showComment=1373538017138 Also new to Jasperserver and have been stuck with the integration of CAS with Jasperserver. Let me know if you find any deatailed Guides out there to do this Hope the link helps
  10. Ok so When a user creates a Ad-Hoc report, it will bring back data from All languages (Yes I know the user can manually filter by language) I need to change the jasper code so that the Ad-Hoc view will automatically only show data according to logged in language So if you are logged in, in English and create a Ad-Hoc view, it will only bring back English data Note: The database is setup so that I can just use Where language_id = 3-- 3 = English (this will change depending on logged in language) and it will show the correct data for that language So what I am asking is, how can I change the Jasper-server code so that it automatically filters all Ad-Hoc reports by Where language_id = logedInLanguageID
  11. Thx man, This will definitely work, was just looking for a way to do this in the jasper code, as there is about 400 reports this will have to be added to
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