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  1. Hello, I have an easy report to test a problem with cut text when I get reports since web with Jasper server. When I ejecute the report since Jaspersoft Studio I get this: And this is OK. I have whole text. But when I ejecute the same report since Nav using Jasper Server, I get this: In this case, the text is cut off. The text "sale." does not appear. I am using JasperSoft Studio 6.17.0 and the Server is 7.2.0, compilation 20190521_1300 Thanks in advance.
  2. I've discovered the trouble. If I change the font name, the line shows fine. The trouble is with Courier new font. Thanks for all.
  3. Thanks for you answer. I've several lines and all, except this work fine. When I change all equals signs with letters, numbers or even dash, the line shows without problems, but with equals signs doesn't show. By the way, the first character of text field is a space: " ==============..."
  4. We need to make a report with plain text, and for it, we use csv format. When a put a simple line with a lot of equals signs, the line don't show in the report. What is the problem? The example code is attached Thanks in advance. Josemi
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