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Everything posted by dhiraj.kene

  1. I have created a report in which i am having a subreport subreport.The Subreport contains The subreport contains another subreport which subreport which has column and detail band Detail band which i I wanted to print horizontally in excel based Excel based on some looping condition. masterreport -->SubreportMaster> SubreportMaster -->SubReport1> SubReport1 (Containing detail and column band Detail and Column band) Below are the steps: 1) Set the property of SubreportMaster to print horizontally 2) Set the column number dynamically from the design object as per the requirement. Assume 2 in my case. When i ran the report the Subreport1 bands are not printed .If If i change the print order to vertical the bands are getting printed properly. Please advise if their is any another way to loop a subreport to print the contain horizontally.
  2. Hi C-box , Thanks for the reply I had set the print order to horizontal .But these property alone was not solving my problem. I had done the following steps and solved the problem 1)Setting the print order to horizontal as suggested by you in master report. 2)I had set the column number to 10 columns in subreport(It can be set to any number) and set it to print the columns horizontally. 3)Iterated the subreport from master report for some set of records . The subreport was getting printed horizonatally for the set of records.
  3. Hi All, I am using jasper report 4.1.1 . I need to iterate the subreport so that the elements of the subreport (i.e. the whole sub report )should be printed horizontally multiple times ( depending on some condition dynamically) while exporting to excel. I even tried the list component and the solutions available for it like increase the column number and making the print order to horizontally but none of it work. Please advice. Regards Dhiraj Kene
  4. hi lucianc, Can you please tell me why such missing cells are appearing after export.? In the link which you have provided it is said that the issue is fixed.So can you give me the version in which the above fixed is implemented
  5. Hi All, Is it possible to use virtualization with ignore pagination flag selected or setting it to true? If yes ,then please reply me how? Regards Dhiraj Kene
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