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  1. Hi, First, I'm working in community edition. I'd like to create an OLAP Cube. I have this Olap Schema : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><fileResource dataFile="TubeSchema.data"> <folder>/analysis/schemas</folder> <name>TubeSchema</name> <version>0</version> <label>TubeSchema</label> <description>Tube Analysis Schema</description> <creationDate>2013-04-29T12:13:33.270-07:00</creationDate> <updateDate>2013-04-29T12:13:33.270-07:00</updateDate> <fileType>olapMondrianSchema</fileType></fileResource>[/code]As you can see this file references TubeSchema.data : <?xml version="1.0"?><Schema name="TubeSchema" defaultRole="" > <Cube name="Tube"> <Table name="TUBE" /> <Dimension name="Tube Model"> <Hierarchy hasAll="false" allMemberName="All Tube Models" primaryKey="ID"> <Table name="TUBE_MODEL" /> <Level name="Createur" column="CREATED_BY" uniqueMembers="true" /> <Level name="Modificateur" column="MODIFIED_BY" uniqueMembers="false" /> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> <Dimension name="Sample"> <Hierarchy hasAll="false" allMemberName="All samples" primaryKey="ID"> <Table name="SAMPLE" /> <Level name="Nom" column="NAME" uniqueMembers="false" /> <Level name="Createur" column="CREATED_BY" uniqueMembers="false" /> </Hierarchy> </Dimension> <Measure name="Quantite" column="QUANTITY" aggregator="count" formatString="#,##0"/> <Measure name="Volume" column="VOLUME_UL" aggregator="sum" formatString="#,###.00"/> </Cube></Schema>[/code]With this cube I want to create a MDX query. Imagine we have for example this request : Select {[Measures].[Volume], [Measures].[Quantite]} ON COLUMNS, {[Tube Model].[All Tube Models],[sample].[All samples]} ON ROWSFrom [Tube][/code](Any query will be good, it 's just to have a result. I will create my real query after) When I create an analysis view, Jasper tell me that about my MDX query : In Schema: Attribute 'name' is unset and has no default value. I think my schema is bad but I don't see where... Please, can you help me. Thanks to all.
  2. Hi, I'm downloading JasperReports Server pro 5, install it.Everything's ok. First, I create a datasource, the link is ok. Then I create a domain.And finally I want to create a report from scratch but the only thing I can do is selecting an Ad Hoc View as the image below. http://i.stack.imgur.com/k7XDE.png I want to create a report from scratch, not to select an Ad Hoc View.Could you tell me how to do it or what I do wrong ? Thank you.
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