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Everything posted by chenlienew

  1. Hi Pioppogatto! Thank you very much, your advice help me well! this promblem solved! Thank you! And here is one more thing,after adding InputControls i pass pTeacherName parameter via url like:http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&_flowId=viewReportFlow&ParentFolderUri=%2Freports%2FTest&reportUnit=%2Freports%2FTest%2FTeacherInfo&pTeacherName=ain web brower,JasperServer show a web page with a dialog allow me input value for pTeacherName,and in that dialog pTeacherName value is "a"(that has been evalued by url pTeacherName),and i press "apply" button it can query correct result,but notice the last part of url,pTeacherName=a, letter "a" is English letter (EN coding), when i pass pTeacherName with chinese letter (gb2312 coding),the value for pTeacherName in the dialog is a messy code, and i press "apply" button,it find nothing result,that's not correct,but i reinput the chinese letter in the dialog manully and press "apply" button is works fine! So,my second question is how can i pass chinese value (gb2312 coding) for pTeacherName via url and get correct result(without reinputting it manully)? or how can i config JasperServer to support gb2312 coding ? Thank you!
  2. Hi There i am a newbie to JasperReport i install iReport 5.1 and JasperServer 5.2 CP and i designed a report upload to JasperServer, that report what i uploaded with a parameter called "pTeacherName",in iReport i preview the report fistly iReport shows a dialog allows me input value for pTeacher parameter and that works fine in iReport,but after i upload the report and view it on JasperServer ,it told me the report is empty!? so, how'd i view the report in JasperServer with query parameter,do i have edit the report on JasperServer and add InputControls? if it's that way the parameter what i define in iReport is useless!? Thank you!
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