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  1. Hello, Can't seem to find anyone else that has tried this on the net. So I've used iReport 3.0.0 (have to use this version as our java app won't allow anything jaspers created from later versions) to create a pick label. The report is a SQL report on an oracle server , and basically is a select qty to pick as well as other data like order number and so on. What the operation have asked for is every label to be for a qty of 1, and another label for each individual product. For example currently the label could generate order number 12345 for a quantity of 3, what we need is 3 labels for a quantity of 1. Is this achievable in iReports? Or should it be done through the SQL? Many thanks in advance! Christian
  2. Hi all, Connected up my Jaspersoft Server & iReports setup to an oracle Database without any issues, the problem I'm having is connecting it to our corporate Microsoft Exchange server so I can email out reports via the scheduler. I've found the js quartz and application context report scheduling files, but I can't work out how the settings tally up to the setup for Microsoft Exchange. I would just be simple and use Gmail or another provider, but they are blocked by our corporate firewall. First time posting so apologies if I haven't followed any rules or principles here! Many Thanks Chris
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