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  1. i know you can schedule adhoc report , but i thought if a dashboard behaves like a report with many subreports it could also be scheduled ( or at least it would be nice if it did :) )
  2. Hi All i've created several topics that allows users to create adhoc reports , these adhoc reports are used for creating Dashbords . 1. can i create this dashboard as a sceduled report ? 2. since adhoc report are regualr generated report , i want to create a new report with the report designer containing several ahdoc reports for server is that even possible ? thanks
  3. i want to know if there is a way to create aggreated function ( MAX , MIN , SUM , etc') on ad-hoc report. for example when creating a Ad-hoc report table from a Topic report if my fields are InspectionDate , ObjectName , Endpoint i want to have the ability to use the max function on the Date field * i know it can be done on DOMAIN , i just whant to know it thats possible for Ad-Hoc
  4. Hi All i'm trying to connect to remote database with windows authentication without any success using this connection string jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=jasperserver;SelectMethod=cursor;integratedsecurity=true and replaceing the sql_auto.dll to alow windows authentication. whats waired is . windows authentication the connection works only for local databases (even if i used the domain administarator) when trying to connect with sql user everything works fine thanks
  5. i know you have the IReport option to create reports for jasper ( i didnt find a way to defined hard code colors for each series ) i want to have the ability to set / edit the chart on Ad-Hoc report
  6. Thanks is there any "BigMemory" product you can recommad ? not sure i understood what you ment by tweaking ehcache settings in WEB-INF could you send me an example link ?
  7. Hi when queries return huge amount of data .. my queries return ~40 million and even more rows ( a topic report - to give the user the ability to create any report he would like ) 1.jasper fail to load all data ( even when changing the Ad-Hoc Cache limitation) - takes lots of time 2. machine is stating to work very slow 3.memory grows to 3GB and more is jasper build for BigData? thanks
  8. Hi All when creating an ad-hoc report with chart element the series color are automatically selected is there a way to change these colors ? thanks
  9. it finally worked !! i guess the last step fixed the problem , just did the most common thing that fixes all problems ... restart :) thanks for the help
  10. still having the same problem i placed the sqljdbc4 file on: 1.Program Filesjasperreports-server-5.1apache-tomcatlib ( on this folder there was another file sqljdbc-1.6-2206.100.jar) 2.Program Filesjasperreports-server-5.1apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFlib 3.Program Filesjasperreports-server-5.1javajrelibext and still i cannot create a datasource for sql server thasnks
  11. Hi All i'm tring to understand want i'm doing wrong , my steps are : 1.installing the jasper 5.1 server & IReport 2.install the lateste JRE ( the current version is 7.21) 3.download the JDBC 4.0 version 4.coyied the sqljdbc4.jar file to the "Program Filesjasperreports-server-5.1javajrelibext" folder 5.refresh tomcat & postgreSql services 6.tring to create a sql datasources connecting with com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver the drive selection item is in red color and i cannot create the datasource (getting a message that the drive is missing) thanks
  12. i had the same problem you could also create a reports /view from a "domain" while creating a domain you have diffrent kinds of avaliable fields to add to you dataset ( the domain dataset) and calculation fields are one of them.
  13. Hi All im trying to creat an ad-hoc report with a procedure that has insert into temp table and the execution is failed it seems the problem is with the insert into temp table becaouse event a simple procedure didnt worked ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ER_GetScanStatistics]AS declare @aa as table (ID int) --insert into aa values(2) insert into @aa (ID) values(2) select * from @aaget an error nullcheck username as password , is DBMS active ?i am using JDBC connectionthanks
  14. well it did worked BUT i used the dataset filer as the following for the left pies $V{REPORT_COUNT} % 2 == 1 and fill the Print When Expression = $V{REPORT_COUNT} % 2 == 1 the the right pie $V{REPORT_COUNT} % 2 == 0 and it looked like this ** when both had the same values it worked fine
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