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Everything posted by cschmitt_1

  1. I solved my Problem. I created a ChartCustomizer and with the Method "setRange" i'am able to set my scale
  2. Thanks for your Answer. But your Method, as you said, is static. I need a dynamic way. (Because the order of the actions can change everytime) But I solved this Problem. I created a ChartCustomizer and a Methode, where all possible values gets there color. (The possible values are Static!)
  3. I solved the Problem. I create a subquery for the percentage values I need
  4. Hi Community, I've got 5 charts and in every of this charts i show values for each month. Now in chart 1 is the highest value 100 in chart 2 is the highest value 50 in chart 3 is the highest value 60 and so on. Now i created my own chartCustomizer and sets the "setStandardTickUnits" for the values 10 to 100 So, the value at the yAxis is how i want, but the bar with value 100 in chart 1 looks like the bar with value 50 in the second chart. How can I define, that the bar with the value 50 in the second chart would looks like a bar with the value 50 in the first chart. I hope you understand my problem. (Sorry for my english)
  5. Hi Community, i've got a "TOP 3 Barchart". For example there are this values: barchart 1: Action1 = 50 Action2 = 60 Action4 = 70 barchart 2: Action2 = 50 Action3 = 20 Action5 = 10 In the first Barchart "Action2" gets the color red and in the second Barchart "Action2" gehts the color green. Is it possible to set the Color for a specific value? So that i can specific, that "Action2" everytime gets the color blue
  6. Am I able to create a break ("n") in a PieChar Label? When yes, how?
  7. Hi Community, i've got a Bar-Chart that shows values for each month of the year. For example: Jan 30; Feb 20; Mar 50; ... Now i want to show the percentage deviation for each moth to the month before. So: Feb 20 (-33,3%); Mar 50 (+150%); ... Knows anyone a way how i can make this?
  8. Hi there, i found my Problem. When there enough values there is no problem. So Jasper do the Top 5 with "Max number of slices to show" = 5 and set "Min slice percentage" = 0. But when there for example: 1 value with 40% 1 value with 30 % 1 value with 10 % and 10 values with 2% Jasper doesn't know, which of this 10 values he should print. So he print all 10 values. Is there any Option, that he only print 1 of these values and take the other values to the section "others"?
  9. my data are ordered by a index value, but not ordered by the value i want to use for my top 5.
  10. Hi Community, i try to create a Piechard, wich should show the top 5 of my Data (and the rest in the section "other") I tried the "Max number of slices to show" - Option, but this seems only to work with the Option "Min slice percentage" > 0 But i don't want to use a Min percentage. So for example, if i had the following values: 1000 customer1 100 customer2 20 customer3 50 customer4 2000 customer5 3000 customer6 1 customer7 35 customer8 I want to show customer 1,2,4,5 and 6 in my Piechard and the other customers as "other" How can I do that. Hope you unterstand my Problem and can help me
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