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  1. Go to JasperServer > Analysis Components > Analysis Schema then right click, you will see the below. Choose OLAP Schema and just follow the steps, you will be able to add ur cube. Another way is to choose 'OLAP client connection'. When you add OLAP client connection, JasperServer will ask you to add OLAP schema as well. This will help you to save time because you will have to add connection anyway Hope it helps. Cheers, Mandy
  2. Hi all, Please help me on this. I created a cube using JasperAnalysis Schema Workbench. Data is pulled from views in Oracle Database. I have problem with my Time dimension. My Time dimension is mapped with my fact view by delivery_date (Data type: Date). My measure is Number of Line Items (Please see the below image for more details). I want to display number of line items per year by project as in the image. It works fine in Analysis workbench but it doesnt work in OLAP view. In OLAP view, data isnt shown (left image) when i use the same MDX query. If I dont use Time dimension, data is shown correctly (right image). I suspect data not shown because Jasper understand delivery_date in my fact view and delivery_date in time dimension view as 2 different data type/dimension type(Ex: "2012-12-01 00:00:00" vs "2012-12-01") Note that my 2 columns are both date type but I just suspect Jasper may understand it differently. Please help to enlighten me. Thank you very much for your time. Cheers, Mandy
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