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  1. Thanks!! :) The new .jar seems to work. We'll take some time to test it (considering that it's several versions newer than the .jar that we're currently using and has other changes as well) with our program before we implement it. But it's great that this particular bug is fixed. I really appreciate all your help! :) ~Sarah
  2. Hi, again, Teodor. I'm curious what the status of this bug is, now. From your last comment in the community question/answer (http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/803333/tabs-text-mess-pdf-output), it sounds like you may have found a solution. (Awesome!) I'm just wondering how soon I might be able to get a fixed version of jasperreports.... Will the fix definitely be in the next official release? (Or did I misread your last comment and you are still working on figuring it out? If so, let me know if you need more info or anything. I'll be happy to help, if I can.) Thanks! ~Sarah
  3. (See also http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/803333/tabs-text-mess-pdf-output for more of my comments on the issue.)
  4. Hi. I'm uploading a sample jrxml that shows the bug (and it's resulting .pdf file). I hand-modified the existing ParagraphsReport.jrxml that's in the jasperreports-5.0.1\demo\samples\paragraphs\reports folder. Hopefully it will help track down the bug...
  5. Teodor, Thanks for your attention to the problem. The short answer is Yes. In the demo ParagraphsReport.jrxml, if I remove the style tag from the top of the .jrxml, I see the bug in the resulting pdf output. But if I replace the , it lets me use tabs in that PDF. However, the long answer is No because in my company's situation, we have 400+ reports and many of them are very specific about the width of the labels and textboxes. Shifting the text to the right by one pixel is unfortunately too problematic. (Both because many labels and textboxes will get their text cut off or wrapped prematurely, and also because there are simply too many reports to fix and test and we worry that we'd miss one if we implement a manual fix like this (especially going forward with new reports - if one of us on the team forgets to add the hack). We'd really appreciate a true bug-fix in the jasperreports-x.y.z.jar, since I can't seem to think of a completely invisible (no added pixels or shifted text) and generic (easily deployed to all 400+ of our reports) work-around.... Thanks, Sarah
  6. After evaluating this further, we've noticed that if the users' text is so long that it starts a new report page, then the bug reappears. :( So we may need to go back to converting all tabs to spaces to prevent the issue.
  7. Teodor, I uploaded a jrxml that shows the problem (in the right scenario). In case if it helps you track down the bug.
  8. In case if this will help anyone else... my team has decided that our current temporary work-around will be to inject a tab character into the users' text in situations which would cause the bug to appear. For us, that's a javascript change. For any multi-line textbox that our users can put text into, in our custom onBlur method, we'll add this javascript: /* Make sure we match the ENTIRE string: from ^ to $. Also, [sS] matches any character including new lines. */ var regEx = /^[^rnt]*rn[sS]*t[sS]*$/; if (evt.target.value.match(regEx) != null){ /* Inject a tab before the first line break (only). */ evt.target.value = evt.target.value.replace(/rn/, "trn"); } The tab-before-a-line-break trick seems to magically make the report work, so our users will be able to use tabs in their text. We're still hopeful for a real bug-fix in jasperreports soon, but for the short term, we think this might be a tolerable hack/solution...
  9. I'm experiencing this problem as well. See my work-around ideas in http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/803333/tabs-text-mess-pdf-output
  10. It looks like if I specify those two paragraph values (paragraph rightIndent="1" tabStopWidth="40") inside an individual textElement (and not as part of the report's default style), it "fixes" the issue as well (just for that text box, though).
  11. Hi, Teodor. Thanks for your response and your idea to look at the demo. I did some comparing to my own reports, and found out that I can reproduce the issue in the sample ParagraphsReport.jrxml if I delete the default "dede" style (or just delete its paragraph tag), or if I set all of the dede's paragraph tag's values to zeros (leftIndent="0" rightIndent="0" firstLineIndent="0") I seem to be able to make the issue disappear in one of my own reports by adding a default style and setting BOTH the tabStopWidth to a value greater than zero AND either the leftIndent or the rightIndent to a value greater than zero. (So something like this: paragraph leftIndent="1" tabStopWidth="40") I don't really want anything indented, but if I only specify the tabStopWidth, it doesn't fix the issue. I'll keep looking at this, and let you know if I figure anything else out. Thanks! ~Sarah
  12. I'm trying to create a PDF report that contains some user-entered text. I'm finding that if the text contains a tab in it somewhere AND if there are no tabs prior to the first line break, the text is rendered incorrectly on the PDF: 1) tabs seem to be rendered as spaces; 2) the whole text appears to be double-spaced; and 3) not all of the text appears on the pdf -- the end of the text seems to be getting cut off (which is a critical problem for our users). I'm guessing that for #3, jasperreports tries to calculate how tall to make the stretched textbox based on if it were single-spaced. Since it's suddenly double-spacing it, then only roughly half (or less) of the text is actually displayed on the PDF. Does anyone know of any workarounds for this issue? I've added a comment to tracker #5845 (http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-library/issues/5845) with these details. See that ticket for some test scenarios. For now, we're going to prevent our users from entering tabs into their text by automatically converting tabs to spaces. (Which is a bummer. They'd like to be able to use tabs!) At least this avoids the problem altogether. If at least one tab appears prior to the first line break, then all of the text appears correctly on the PDF. So, I'm alternatively looking into possibly injecting a tab at the end of the first line of any user-text that has a newline before any tabs. In some cases, I suppose that would cause the first line to wrap strangely because of the added tab. But it would at least prevent critical user-data from being cut off of the PDF; and in some situations, it might not even have a visible affect. Can anyone think of a better work-around? I'm primarily using jasperreports-4.7.0.jar, but I've tested it with jasperreports-5.0.0.jar as well, and see the same result. ----------------------------- Edit #1: See the attached adminnotereportdesign.jrxml. This is a subreport that we're using that sometimes shows and sometimes doesn't show the bug (given the right values for $F{displaySubjective} --see the example text I've uploaded for tracker ticket #5845). ----------------------------- Edit #2: See also the attached paragraphsreport.jrxml and its resulting pdf file. I hand-modified the existing ParagraphsReport.jrxml that's in the jasperreports-5.0.1demosamplesparagraphsreports folder.
  13. I am also seeing this bug. It seems that if jasper reports encounters a tab before it encounters a line break, then the whole text appears correctly in the pdf (even other tabs that appear after line breaks). But if it DOESN'T encounter a tab until some time after it encounters a line break, then the text in the pdf gets broken in several ways: 1) tabs seem to be rendered as spaces; 2) the whole text appears to be double-spaced; and 3) not all of the text appears on the pdf -- the end of the text seems to be getting cut off, which is a real problem in our system. In version 3.7.3, all tabs were being rendered as spaces. But at least the whole text was appearing in the pdf, and the lines did not appear double-spaced. We upgraded to 4.7.0 (a big jump, I realize), and now we are seeing this bug. So I think this bug was introduced some time between those two versions.
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