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  1. Issue DescriptionWe have a table in which we have value stored in seconds. But On report we need to display it in format hh:mm:ss. Formula has to work on both sql server and Oracle ResolutionTo use one function with different database you need to add it to WEB-INF/applicationContext-semanticLayer.xml for each database To oracleSQLGenerator bean "to_char(to_date(" + sqlArgs[0] + ", 'SSSSS'),'HH24:MI:SS')" To bean sqlserverGenerator "convert(varchar,dateadd(ss, "+ sqlArgs[0] + ", 0),8)" As function returns different type then we need to add it also in applicationContext-el.xml and restart server. Then you can use sec2time() function in domain designer. Ref. Case 00061845
  2. Issue DescriptionWe need to hide the "view as tree" button in ad-hoc view creation - "Select Data" Page. We are OK if both of the "View as Tree" and "View as List" buttons are hidden. [toc]ResolutionYou hide it by changing the files <jasperserver-pro>scriptsadhocdatachoosertemplatedatachooserTabTemplate.htm and <jasperserver-pro>optimized-scriptsadhocdatachoosertemplatedatachooserTabTemplate.htm to this: <button class="button {{= additionalCssClasses }}{{ if (exposeAction) { }} {{= action}} {{ } }} up" style="{{ if(action === 'tree') { }} {{= 'display: none;' }} {{ } }}" title="{{ if(action === 'list') { }} {{= i18n.ADH_108_DATA_CHOOSER_LIST_TAB_TOOLTIP }} {{ } else { }} {{= i18n.ADH_108_DATA_CHOOSER_FOLDERS_TAB_TOOLTIP }} {{ } }}"> <span class="wrap">{{= label }}</span> </button> If you want to hide both buttons, change it to this: <button class="button {{= additionalCssClasses }}{{ if (exposeAction) { }} {{= action}} {{ } }} up" style="display: none;" title="{{ if(action === 'list') { }} {{= i18n.ADH_108_DATA_CHOOSER_LIST_TAB_TOOLTIP }} {{ } else { }} {{= i18n.ADH_108_DATA_CHOOSER_FOLDERS_TAB_TOOLTIP }} {{ } }}"> <span class="wrap">{{= label }}</span> </button> Ref. Case 00060237
  3. Issue DescriptionHyperlinks in reports are not visible when report output is rendered on the UI. Though the functionality is working, since clicking on particular field with a hyperlink opens the required result. This is happening across all reports with JasperReports v5.6.1. In older versions, the hyperlinks were clearly noticeable on the report UI with a different color. ResolutionThat is a known issue. You can easily fix it : just add the following to your overrides_custom.css in your theme: ._jrHyperLink { text-decoration: underline; color: #0000EE;} /* unvisited link */._jrHyperLink:link { color: #0000FF; } /* visited link */._jrHyperLink:visited { color: #800080; } /* mouse over link */._jrHyperLink:hover { color: #FF00FF; } /* selected link */._jrHyperLink:active { color: #FF0000; }[/code]Ref. Case 00059407
  4. If you are on version 6.4 or later please see this article: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/video-enabling-or-disabling-homepage-items-based-roles That is all can be configured in WEB-INF/applicationContext-rest-services.xml file. First find bean "filterOutNotPermittedWorkflows", property objectDefinitionSource. By default we have only ADMINISTRATION_ALLOWED, CONFIGURATION_ALLOWED permission. We will add SEE_DOMAINS_ALLOWED,SEE_ADHOCS_ALLOWED,SEE_REPORTS_ALLOWED: <property name="objectDefinitionSource"><value> com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.poc.hypermedia.workflow.data.UserWorkflowStorage.findByName=ADMINISTRATION_ALLOWED,CONFIGURATION_ALLOWED,SEE_DOMAINS_ALLOWED,SEE_ADHOCS_ALLOWED,SEE_REPORTS_ALLOWEDcom.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.poc.hypermedia.workflow.data.UserWorkflowStorage.findAll=ADMINISTRATION_ALLOWED,CONFIGURATION_ALLOWED,SEE_DOMAINS_ALLOWED,SEE_ADHOCS_ALLOWED,SEE_REPORTS_ALLOWEDcom.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.poc.hypermedia.workflow.data.UserWorkflowStorage.findAllByParentName=ADMINISTRATION_ALLOWED,CONFIGURATION_ALLOWED,SEE_DOMAINS_ALLOWED,SEE_ADHOCS_ALLOWED,SEE_REPORTS_ALLOWED</value></property>[/code]Now we will add them to next bean workflowsAfterInvocationManager: <bean id="workflowsAfterInvocationManager" class="org.springframework.security.afterinvocation.AfterInvocationProviderManager"> <property name="providers"> <list> <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.poc.hypermedia.workflow.service.WorkflowsSecurityFilter"> <property name="supportedAttribute" value="CONFIGURATION_ALLOWED"/> <property name="allowedRoles" ref="${bean.configurationAllowedRoles}"/> <property name="workflowsToSecure"> <list> <value>serverSettings</value> </list> </property> </bean> <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.poc.hypermedia.workflow.service.WorkflowsSecurityFilter"> <property name="supportedAttribute" value="ADMINISTRATION_ALLOWED"/> <property name="allowedRoles" ref="${bean.administrationAllowedRoles}"/> <property name="workflowsToSecure"> <list> <value>admin</value> </list> </property> </bean> <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.poc.hypermedia.workflow.service.WorkflowsSecurityFilter"> <property name="supportedAttribute" value="SEE_DOMAINS_ALLOWED"/> <property name="allowedRoles"> <util:list> <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</value> <value>SEE_DOMAINS_ROLE</value> </util:list> </property> <property name="workflowsToSecure"> <list> <value>domain</value> </list> </property> </bean> <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.poc.hypermedia.workflow.service.WorkflowsSecurityFilter"> <property name="supportedAttribute" value="SEE_ADHOCS_ALLOWED"/> <property name="allowedRoles"> <util:list> <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</value> <value>SEE_ADHOCS_ROLE</value> </util:list> </property> <property name="workflowsToSecure"> <list> <value>adhocView</value> </list> </property> </bean> <bean class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.jaxrs.poc.hypermedia.workflow.service.WorkflowsSecurityFilter"> <property name="supportedAttribute" value="SEE_REPORTS_ALLOWED"/> <property name="allowedRoles"> <util:list> <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</value> <value>SEE_REPORTS_ROLE</value> </util:list> </property> <property name="workflowsToSecure"> <list> <value>report</value> </list> </property> </bean> </list> </property></bean>[/code]You can add your custom roles you want to see corresponding item to each list: <util:list> <value>ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR</value> <value>SEE_REPORTS_ROLE</value></util:list>[/code]Roles should be global. For roles that belong to organization use role|tenantId. Restart is required. To restrict access to Data Sources you would need to include the following in the workflowsToSecure property: <value>dataSources</value>[/code]
  5. Issue Description:I'm using the new DateRange concept to get run reports for a Week, quarter, week-1, etc but I need the beginning of the week to begin on a Sunday, not Monday. Where do I configure that? Resolution:You can change it in WEB-INF/classes/relativedate.properties # 1 - SUNDAY, 2 - MONDAYweek.start.day=1[/code]Ref. Case #00034869
  6. To hide tick labels you can set font to 0 <ticklabelfont></ticklabelfont>[/code]
  7. Issue Description:When mouse hovers over a dashboard we get a pop-up with two options: Refresh & Open in new window. Is there anyway to disable them? Resolution:Delete the section from beginning with div class="floatingMenu" from dashboardViewer.jsp and restart JasperReports Server. Ref. Case #00032850
  8. Issue Description:I want to put domains as a default value when i create an adhoc report and choose its data source, but presently a topic has this default value. Resolution:modify <js-install>/scripts/adhoc.start.js In the initialize section of adhocStart(), there is a switch statement that specifies the default behavior: /** * This is for the initialization of ad Hoc's start page */ initialize : function(){ dialogs.popup.show($("sourceDialog"), true); //get the topic path var options; var UNSPECIFIED_TOPIC ="unspecifiedTopic"; if(!defaultTopic){ this.DefaultTopicsPath = defaultTopicDir + UNSPECIFIED_TOPIC; }else{ this.DefaultTopicsPath = defaultTopicDir + defaultTopic; } if(!isNotNullORUndefined(this.TopicsTreeContainerId)){ return; } switch (window.launchType) { case this.DOMAIN_LAUNCH_TYPE: this.hideRealmTree(this.DOMAIN); this.getDomains(); break; case this.OLAP_CONNECTION_LAUNCH_TYPE: this.hideRealmTree(this.OLAP_CONNECTION); this.getOlapConnections(); break; default: // Fall back to Adhoc Topic this.getTopics(); } this.initializeHandlers(); }, Modify the switch statement to look like this: switch (window.launchType) { case this.DOMAIN_LAUNCH_TYPE: this.hideRealmTree(this.DOMAIN); this.getDomains(); break; case this.OLAP_CONNECTION_LAUNCH_TYPE: this.hideRealmTree(this.OLAP_CONNECTION); this.getOlapConnections(); break; default: // Fall back to Adhoc Topic // this.getTopics(); this.hideRealmTree(this.DOMAIN); this.getDomains(); } Restart JasperReports Server Ref. Case #00032221
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