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Everything posted by luulamuse

  1. I have a list of strings. I used a list component in order the display a text which displays the result of strings concatenation. I create a variable : $V{investLength} + $F{_THIS} + " " the result I obtain here is something like this: A A B A B C A B C D A B C D E I would like to print only A B C D E instead of printing all the steps of the concatenation. Do you know anyway to resolve this?
  2. could you please tell me who to define a parameter in the master and pass it as the data source for your subreport?
  3. could you please tell me who to define a parameter in the master and pass it as the data source for your subreport?
  4. Hi, I received a collections of animals in my master report. I added 2 subreports into the master reports. The first subreport should display only dogs informations and the second subreport should display only cats informations by following the order of the main collections. I tried 3 differents attempts to get the expected results but none of them have worked!! 1) first attempt To pass data to each subreport, I did this: connection type = use a data source expression data source expression = ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).cloneDataSource() I created parameters to display details. In each subreport, all animals are displayed animals (cats and dogs) which is bad. 2) second attempt To pass data to each subreport, I did this: connection type = use a data source expression data source expression = $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}) In each subreport, only the first animal is displayed. Any iteration is done. Could you please help me. I am new in Jasper report and I don't know how to pass data from master to subreport one element at time. Thanks a lot.
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