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Everything posted by gillett.bob

  1. Hi I tried the Regexp entered above but it did not work with sql starting with a 'with' statement. In the end I modified the regexp supplied by JS to: Validator.ValidSQL=(?is)^\s*(select|with)\s+[^;]+;?\s*$ which seems to work fine with the SQL security validation on. Now I am not a regexp wizard so if this is bad someone please tell me! Bob
  2. It seems it is actually that the server does not like fields set to nil, by commenting out several lines we got the thing to work. Below is the example I ran in SOAP UI, so if you are stuck try this! Bob <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>/organizations/organization_1/performance/reports/sqlFrequencyLabel 5Description 41Sales7PDF/organizations/organization_1/performance/reportstruetrue[/code][/code]
  3. I just tried to download and look at my example and it failed, so I am posting the code here:- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> /organizations/organization_1/performance/reports/sqlFrequency Label 3 Description 3 2013-02-20T23:00:00.000Z 1 Sales3 PDF /organizations/organization_1/performance/reports false false
  4. Thanks for the reply, but I still cannot make it work. I've tried adding a timezone from another JS example:- Europe/Minsk I've tried setting the start time to nil and I've tried removing the simpletrigger, now of which results in a success! Any chance you could publish here the soap message that worked for you please? Thanks Bob
  5. Hi Jasper server 4.7.1 comercial, Oracle 11g, on Windows 7 I am trying to schedule a job using SOAP. I have copied the example from the JasperReports-Server-Web-Services_guide with a couple of modifications. I am running it from SoapUI but I always get the same error whatever I do. The returned error is:- java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid date/time I did wonder if this was a local issue so I ran getAllJobs and copied a return date from it (Note: this is the only service I have managed to make work!!!) but it is teh same as the one I am using. The date format in use is:- 2013-02-20T23:00:00.000Z I have even wondered if there is a tag I am missing? XML SOAP request included as attactment. Cheers Bob
  6. Hi I am using Jasper Server 4.7.1 with an Oracle backend both for Jasper and my data. I read with interest a previous post on here that hinted it was possible to schedule reports directly from the database, this is something I would like to do... That question was:- http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/530058/multiple-report-execution-distincts-params In the answer is the intriguing statement: "if each report is required on individual files, then probably i would just do an update to the scheduler table and insert 99 more schedule with different paremeter" My system does an initial ETL operation then refreshes several mviews, the reports read the mviews to get their data, then each report must run many times each time changing a parameter. It would suit me very well if at the end of the mview refresh the PL/SQL code could then somehow prompt the server to schedule and run the reports. I have looked at the tables in the JS schema that I think are involved in this but the parameters are strangely held in a blob field? And they seem to be wrapped with some kind of non-printable header. Has anyone worked with them? Or know how to populate these tables? Or a resource where I may find the answers? On the other hand, has anyone had any experience of calling the web services from PL/SQL? While I have played PL/SQL and SQL for many years I have no experience with web services so any example code would be greatfully received! Cheers Bob
  7. Where do I add the path of a chart customiser class so that the preview can pick it up? Cheers Bob
  8. Just ran into the same issue, nuking the security settings fixed it. Query is against Oracle 11g R2 64Bit, nothing special from what I can see, it feeds a crosstab. I don't think having security off in production is going to be allowable. Query below:- with cnts as (SELECT a.extract_month, s.family, s.service, s.operation_name, msg_count FROM jas_ref_service_families s, jas_hist_stats_oper a where a.family(+) = s.family and a.service (+) = s.service and a.operation_name (+) = s.operation_name and s.reported = 'X' order by extract_month, lower(a.family), lower(a.service), lower(a.operation_name) ) --comment --comment select fill_mnth as extract_month, fill.family || '.' || fill.service || '.' || fill.operation_name operation_name, nvl(msg_count, 0) msg_count from cnts c, (select r, last_day(add_months(mx_time, -1 * (r-1))) fill_mnth, operation_name, family, service, mx_time from (select rownum r from dual connect by rownum <= 12), (select distinct family, service, operation_name, max(extract_month) over() mx_time from cnts)) fill where extract_month (+) = fill_mnth and c.family(+) = fill.family and c.service (+) = fill.service and c.operation_name (+) = fill.operation_name order by fill_mnth, lower(fill.family), lower(fill.service), lower(fill.operation_name)
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