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Everything posted by abraham.nkomo

  1. How to create a table that look like below . l want to create a table and every after each row l want to add another minor row based on the grouped columns . For example after each row , l want to add item long description as shown below .Please help . Thank you
  2. l have added the group into my report but still the data is not grouped /sites/default/files/images/billing2(1).png
  3. Hello Everyone , l want to generate an Billing invoice pdf using jaspersoft Ireport Designer .The data to populate report will be retrieved from Array List . So if the Array List size is 10 , l want to generate ten tables .How do l generate multi tables ?
  4. Thank for your reply , l have done that and it real solved the problem . Thank you again
  5. Hi Everyone l have installed ireport designer v5.0.0 and when l try to run ireport designer v5.0.0 lm getting this error cannot find java.exe . l have installed java inot my machine . l am running window 7 professional on my machine . l want to use ireport to develop report on JDeveloper . Please help me Regards Abraham
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