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Everything posted by wong0526

  1. Hi everyone, I'm currently using the jasperreports-4.5.1 library and I'm having problems with the textfield overflow. I have a one textfield, inside a band, to show an address written in English. This textfield ajust its width automatic to the text because the property "isStrechWithOverFlow" is set to true. What happens is when the lenght of the address is just a little bit loger than the textfield (for example 4 caracters) the textfield does not strech automatically and hides those final caracters. Although, when you have more than 6 characters the sentence is wrapped correctly and hidden part is pasted to the line below. In the image attached you'll see a red circle marking the spot where the problem happens. The full address that should appear there is EDF. KUAI TAK TAK (TAK TAK KAK CHKK), 2 ANDAR c and as you can see the ANDAR c part is missing. Here is the code that generates these field: n ![CDATA[$F{per_addr2}]] (The two angle brackets that should appear inside the textFieldExpression tag were omitted on porpuse, because if I put them there the CDATA part will disapear). Is there any problem with the word wrapper or with strech textfield algorithms? I'm new here so this is just wild guesses. Maybe the problem is in my code. Please help me, because I don't have any idea how to solve this! Thanks in advance.
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