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Everything posted by hawkx

  1. I written a Jasper report viewer for JavaFX named jrviewer-fx, may be someone is interested to try it https://github.com/hawkxu/jrviewer-fx
  2. Please try to create a text field in report and set its Expression to $F{dateField}.getTime() == -2209017600000l ? "N/A" : $F{dateField} replace the $F{dateField} with your actual field
  3. Sorry, it seems that I misled you. Please let me explain what I did, first, create a variable named "Summary" do sum and it type as BigDecimal. second, create a variable named "MinusValue" with Variable Expression "new BigDecimal(130000)" third, create a variable named "ResultValue" with Variable Expression "$V{Summary}.subtract($V{MinusValue})" fourth, drag the variable Summary into report and set Evaluation Time of the field to "Report" last, drag the variable ResultValue into report and set Evaluation Time of the field to "Report" preview the report and that's all, hope this would help you.
  4. This code can hide the sort indicator on column title, but it will affect all report printing after this: DefaultJasperReportsContext.getInstance().setProperty( "net.sf.jasperreports.components.sort.up.arrow.char", ""); DefaultJasperReportsContext.getInstance().setProperty( "net.sf.jasperreports.components.sort.down.arrow.char", ""); may be there is another better way to hide the sort indicator?
  5. The exception message said the class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.BytecodeInterface8 not found, are you has this class in your classpath?
  6. I made a try, you should change the variable Potentials_Totaal_Kosten_(€)_1, set its property "Variable Expression", not the "Initial Value Expression", set to new BigDecimal(130000)
  7. Try this, first, the two variable should both be BigDecimal, then set expression for the 3rd variable as $V{v1}.subtract($V{v2})
  8. Maybe you should try this, create a style in report and mark it as default, set the property "Pattern" to what you want.
  9. Maybe you should try this, create a style in report and mark it as default, set the property "Pattern" to what you want.
  10. I make sort through sort options on dataset, and then jasper add a sort indicator on column title automatically, but I dont want to print the sort indicator, is that possible to hide the sort indicator? I'm using java GUI program, not web, no report server. Thanks!
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