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  1. Hi. I resolved a similar case. the exception was caused by the sumatory of heights of every band was higher that height of the page. I had to calculate the height available for the subreport and I configured in the height of the band "detail" of the subReport. Hope this information helps,Ricardo Villanueva
  2. Hi. I resolved a similar case. the exception was caused by the sumatory of heights of every band was higher that height of the page. I had to calculate the height available for the subreport and I configured in the height of the band "detail" of the subReport. Hope this information helps,Ricardo Villanueva
  3. Hi. I resolved a similar case. the exception was caused by the sumatory of heights of every band was higher that height of the page. I had to calculate the height available for the subreport and I configured in the height of the band "detail" of the subReport. Hope this information helps,Ricardo Villanueva
  4. Hi. I resolved a similar case. the exception was caused by the sumatory of heights of every band was higher that height of the page. I had to calculate the height available for the subreport and I configured in the height of the band "detail" of the subReport. Hope this information helps,Ricardo Villanueva
  5. I saw that my project is using a old version that not support this feature. The project uses struts2-jasperreports-plugin-, so the solution was to use iReport 3 for define the property, in this way: 1. add the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.* import (edit / Report Import Directives / new Import) 2. add the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet property and set ir to true in the report Custom Properties (edit / Custom Properties / new) 3. save 4. compile 5. replace the .jasper file to the project in this way I got that the project worked like I wanted. references: [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8254394/struts2-jasperreports-passing-export-parameters
  6. I'm using the struts2 jasperreports plugin and it works well. The problem is that I want to pass exportParameters and I'm not sure how to do that through the plugin. I did it: @Result( name = "XLS", value = "//Informe.jasper", type = JasperReportsResult.class, params = { "dataSource", "listaResultados", "format", "XLS", "contentDisposition", "attachment;filename="Informe.xls"", "exportParameters", "exportParametersJR" })@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map getExportParametersJR(){ JRXlsExporter jrXlsExporter = new JRXlsExporter(); JrXlsExporter.setParameter( JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET,Boolean.TRUE); return jrXlsExporter.getParameters(); } I tried, and I got the datasource correctly, but when I add this line "exportParameters", "exportParametersJR" it show me this exception: could anyone help me?
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