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Everything posted by railey.shah

  1. Good Day, I have a collumn that show this set of data ------------------------- Total_Status ------------------------- Applied Failed Failed Applied Null Applied Applied --------------------------------------------- I want to make a pie chart from that set of data that will show count for each of data just like below attachment (This report are made using crystal report). I try to use this in the expression Key Expression : $V(Total_Status) Value Expression : However i try to find what should i fill in Value Expression. I try count but it not giving any result .
  2. Good Day All, can anybody help me on this. I try to make an if else expression ($F{OUT_STATUS} .equals("40") ? "Applied": "Failed" ). Main main pioint is if the Out_status data is 40 it will show Applied and other than that are failed. however when i run my report it just show Failed for all data. Note that the Out_status datatype is int and i also have try to chage it to ($F{OUT_STATUS} .equals(40) ? "Applied": "Failed" ) but the result are same. Its my first time using jasper. Before this im a crystal developer. Thank You Best Regards
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