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  1. Thanks Andrew. When I added the groovy code, I get the following error The Domain data source /Test_Domain is invalid. exception parsing filter string 'public_test.user_id == groovy('authentication.getPrincipal().getId()')'
  2. This comment was blocked because Project Honeypot indicates it came from a suspicious IP address.
  3. Hello, I am new to Jaspersoft & am trying to try implement row level security at a domain level. I have a very simple domain (one user table with a user_id column). This user_id references the ID of the users already present in Jaspersoft. (Basically, I want the logged in user to see his details in the report). When I just defined the domain without any security, domain was created fine, I could create views & reports. But when I attach the security file, the domain is throwing up errors. This is the error I get - The Domain data source /Test_Domain is invalid. exception parsing filter string 'public_test.user_id == authentication.getPrincipal().getId()' This is the security file - <securityDefinition xmlns="http://www.jaspersoft.com/2007/SL/XMLSchema" version="1.0" itemGroupDefaultAccess="granted"><resourceAccessGrants><resourceAccessGrantList id="public_test_List" label="ListLabel" resourceId="public_test"><resourceAccessGrants><resourceAccessGrant id="public_test_row_access_grant_1"><principalExpression><![CDATA[authentication.getPrincipal().getId() > 0 ]]> </principalExpression><filterExpression>public_test.user_id == authentication.getPrincipal().getId()</filterExpression></resourceAccessGrant></resourceAccessGrants> </resourceAccessGrantList> </resourceAccessGrants></securityDefinition> Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong. I am on Jaspersoft 4.7 Any help is appreciated. Thanks A
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