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  1. Hi everybody. I'm having a problem with loading image into my jasper report. The report works fine when I load an normal image url, like http://www.somehost.com/someImage.jpg. The problem is that I need an image loaded from a servlet dynamically. Let's say that I have an storage provider, and the servlet connect to that provider and download the image, so it can show it to the world. The url, then, is something like http://www.somehost.com/imageServlet?idImage=1234, and if I pass to jasper an url like that, it fails in loading the image. Does anybody know a solution to this? I've already tried to pass the url as string, as java.net.URL, setting the property isLazy to true, moving the values of evalueation time, and nothing works :( Any idea would be wondeful to me. PS: I'm using jasperreports 5.0.1 Thank you so much for the attencion. Best regards.
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