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Posts posted by ghudson_1

  1. what is the expression of the textfield you are trying to use?   Based on your screenshots, it looks almost like the expression is just the following... like no method of the scriptlet is being called:




  2. In early 6.x 'hyperlink when expression' doesn't work when hyperlinkType="ReportExecution", but in 6.2.1 this is supposed to be fixed.  What version are you using, and what is the hyperlinkType?

    Also note, the stacking mentioned by kkriplani is fine but can break sort/filter activity of JIVE. 

  3. From the 6.x samples you can add  /organizations/organization_1/adhoc/topics/Cascading_multi_select_topic to a dashboard, and you'll see that the cascading behavior works.   You can add a second report which relies on the same parameters and the cascading nature still works.

    But in certain data conditions, certain datasource relationships, the cascading nature will break and parameter values aren't set propertly.   In the database for the sample above, the relationship of states to countries is 1 to 1.   But if you alter the data to mexico and canada share a state name, then things break.  A defect has been filed.

  4. Are you using normal 'internal' authentication and the normal login page?   If so, then to handle timeout redirect you would probably have to make some customization involving flows.  

    You can familiarize yourself with Spring Webflow API, and the "Adding a Custom JSP Page in a Spring Web Flow" section of the Ultimate Guide might give you an overview of how Spring Webflow impacts JRS.

    Upon session timeout/invalidation, a user is redirected to the home flow, but you could recreate flows, perhaps add custom code to "handle" a different redirection during session timeout.

  5. Table column footer cells actually end up rendering as a page footer band in a subreport generated for the table. Therefore if you want to exclude the column footer cells you'll need to define a property for pageFooter.


    <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xlsx.exclude.origin.band.1" value="pageFooter"/>


    A defect or feature request for improvement in the product for this issue has already been filed against JR Library 6.2.x

  6. Recently a pro customer encountered this problem.  It was resolved by deleting their tomcat work dir for jasperserver-pro webapp (aka  $CATALINA_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost/jasperserver-pro").   The theory is that upon upgrade the work directory was not properly cleared by deployment scripts, so the work dir retained some old JSPs (they were using version 5.5 just prior) and these older classes were compiled with different versions of classes than 6.x would afford.

  7. An array of objects for something like yAxis.plotLines, or plotBands, and setting such values as properties is not currently supported. There is a feature request for this ability, specifically for plotlines.

    There is a workaround that might help in some scenarios or help give you some ideas. 

    First, "com.jaspersoft.jasperreports.highcharts.function.properties.allowed" must be set to true in your jasperreports.properties (in your client as well as JRS), then use a function to return the values. 

    The following would return a single line. 
    (function(){return [{value: 0.696, width: 1, color: 'green', dashStyle: 'dash', label: { text: 'Latest value', align: 'right', y: 12, x: 0 }]})() 

    Attached is an example of doing something similar with plotLines, with a TimeSeriesLine chart using our sample foodmart tables, it has two lines. 

  8. You probably have two different probs

    a) The installer pop-up indicates a prob during the installation (import-export.xml) in which we are probably trying to import base/minimal data into the repo, to populate tables with user, role, directory info, etc.  I'd check the install log for clues

    b) runtime isn't starting up and unfortunately that error from tomcat doesn't look related to whether or not the import of the install worked.   The error means the JVM can't load the dbcp class that tomcat and our webapp hope to use.  Sounds like a prob in tomcat.   This might be a clue - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14712308/ubuntu-tomcat7-java-lang-classnotfoundexception-org-apache-tomcat-dbcp-dbcp-bas

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