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Everything posted by mrmangosir

  1. Thanks for the response. I will test this within our system. Apologies for the late response :(
  2. If anybody wants the full source to this, please post here and I will drop it in. After seeing all the questions about auto refresh in CE for years, might be worth the while to someone :)
  3. Hi thanks for the reply. Reason we are using Tables is for the filtering functionality. I get the feeling the customer would prefer not to have dynamic styles and have the full functionality of the filtering etc of the table. I may raise the fact that we cannot see all queries within conditional styles. Doesn't seem correct to me.
  4. We created a table based on one sub query. This filters and formats are working fine, however I would like to add a conditional style to the table. I can add them, but the conditional style does not allow me to use the fields from the sub query. Ok, so we tried another method, we added multiple fields to each cell, for example one field red and field black font. So now each cell has two fields overlapping. We added a "when" print expression so that only one field would appear in each cell. This would work, however the filter/formatting does not work on Jasperserver. Once I removed one of the fields that would print it detected the values and worked again. Is here any way to expose the fields from a subquery in a style condition or to get the filter to work on two fields in the same cell, using when print expressions? Thanks
  5. So you have a user called "user", you assigned the role ROLE_MYROLE? If you login in what is the exact message? Like for example does it log in, but then show "Access Denied" or is it "Invalid credentials supplied" and never goes beyond the login? Lastly if you go to where your Jasper Server is installed ie. C:\Program Files\jasperreports-server-cp-4.7.0\ and go to apache-tomcat\logs. The log file stderr<todaysdate>.log, open that and check the last entry. What does it say?
  6. Hi, Thought I'd share how to create an auto share on Jasper CE 4.7. This may work on lower version, if they have the "refresh" functionality. One word of warning, this does not solve allowing only certain reports to refresh and not others, but its not too difficult. So go to <jasperInstall>/webapps/jasperserver/web-inf/jsp/modules/viewreport/viewport.jsp. Open the file and go to around line 80/81 and after <div id="viewerToolbar" class="toolbar"> add the below attached code. So your next task will be to have it adjustable. That is up to you how you want to be able to change that value. Be warned that once that JSP has been saved and Tomcat restarted, *all* reports will not autorefresh. Have fun. Code:<script type="text/javascript"> setInterval(function(){ document.getElementById('dataRefreshButton').click(); }, 10000); // every 5 seconds</script>
  7. Hi, What current roles does that user now have and when you login as administrator (normally jasperadmin unless changed), can you click on that user and click "login as user". What that will do is to test if you can login as that user. Check that role has rights if the folder is a sub folder? Thanks
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