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  1. Hello, I am hoping you may be able to help me as my head is currently aching with the amount of failed research I have done in the last 2 weeks. I have a Filemaker Pro database which produces a large CSV or Excel document once every few hours. Using iReport 4.7 I am able to link onto this document and create the reports I need. The problem I have is when I try and upload this report into Jasper Server, I don't seem to be able to keep the same data source (or at least I cannot find any option to do this). Is this possible? The Excel or CSV file is kept on the same server as Jasper Server. I have searched the internet high and low but I cannot find an answer in plain English that I can understand! So I have some basic questions: 1. Is it possible to use an Excel or CSV file as the data source for Jasper Server 2. If I need a plugin, what plugin? 3. Could anyone point me in the direction of a manual that covers this? I have searched the Answers forum and it would seem that I need to create a Custom Data Source but I cannot even fathom how to start doing this!! Sorry for the amatuer question but I am an amatuer :) Guy
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