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Everything posted by dhroove23

  1. I have designed a report using iReport 4.7 professional addition. I have used Charts Pro provide by iReport only in my reports. Designed reports are upload on JasperServer. Now I have made custom User interface to show reports listing and I am trying that user can view the reports in that interface only.For that I am using jasperserver-ireport-plugin-4.7.0.jar API to run the report on my custom UI JServer server; Map<String, FileContent> reportData = server.getWSClient() .runReport(reportDescriptor, reportParams, arguments); This return me resource discriptor for the report. But I am facing weird problem in this call. I am getting all the content like header, footer, logo images from the header but I am not getting 'Charts Pro component' that I have used in reports. When I looked into the HTML source I got to know that URL for the FusionChart.js and swf file in getting generated wrong. URL in getting default port hos.t name and port like thishttp://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/fusion/charts/FusionCharts.js" type="text/javascriptswfUrl: 'http://faizan1924new:8091/jasperserver-pro/fusion/charts/MSColumn3D.swf' While my Jasper server is running on some XYZ host and 8085 port.Why the URL for the charts are not getting generated correctly Help me out with this problem. Where to specify the host name and port so that my URL charts generates fineI might be missing something in web service call. Kindly help. Is there are better approach to do this ?
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