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Everything posted by bartv2000

  1. Hi Gert_1 I created a new report where I needed this and now it works. I think that the php array I was passing in the parameter was malformed or wrong... Thank you for the hint. Regards
  2. Hi grantbacon, I tried the new client but I did not get it working yet... But I found the problem with the old client. The parameters in the webservice call where badly formatted with & in the url query. I changed the "http_build_query(array('page' => $page) + (array) $inputControls))" function call in the runReport function into "http_build_query((array('page' => $page) + (array) $inputControls), '', '&'));" and now it is nicely formatted. Some webservers ignore the amp; in the url query but seems that tomcat servers have problems with it. Thanks for your help! Regards
  3. Hi, When I run a report from my php application with one parameter it works fine. But when passing more than one parameter, only the first one in the array is passed to the report. When changing the input parameters in the php array, then still the first one is passed to the report. All the individual parameters are working like they should in the report when I pass them. This is my php code: $controls = array("REPORT_LOCALE" => array("NL_BE"),"Parameter1" => array("Param1"),"CMS_USER_ID" => array("123")); $report = $client->runReport('/reports/VZVB/License_List_1_NL', 'pdf', null, $controls); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');header('Pragma: public');header('Content-Description: File Transfer');header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=report.pdf');header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($report));header('Content-Type: application/pdf');echo $report; In this example only the "REPORT_LOCALE" parameter is passed to the report. All the others return null in the report.I tried somewhat everything (single quotes, double quotes, ...)Thanks for any help. Regards
  4. Hi, I'm new to jasper reports. I have created a simple report where data is extracted from a mysql database. No problem. But when I try to pass parameters to the report where a I want to filter the data with a IN clouse, I allways get all results or an error. This is my code: $controls = array('Parameter_1' => array('ANT' => 'ANT', 'LIE' => 'LIE')); $report = $client->runReport('/reports/Test/Formulier_0', 'pdf', null, $controls); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');header('Pragma: public');header('Content-Description: File Transfer');header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=report.pdf');header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($report));header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); But with this code the full report is given instead of the filtered reportWhen I change the array into $controls = array('Parameter_1' => array( 'ANT', 'LIE'));I get an error "Invalid type java.lang.String for parameter Parameter_1 used in an IN clause; the value must be an array or a collection." This is the report dataset: SELECT vzvb.cms_clubs.club_id,vzvb.cms_clubs.club_naam,vzvb.cms_clubs.club_nr,vzvb.cms_clubs.club_provinceFROM vzvb.cms_clubswhere $X{IN, vzvb.cms_clubs.club_province, Parameter_1} ORDER BY vzvb.cms_clubs.club_province ASC,vzvb.cms_clubs.club_naam ASC Parameter_1 is defined as a java.lang.String What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance. Regards, Bart
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