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Everything posted by panto

  1. Hi All guys, I have a A4-portait-style parent report (MBAXXX) with a fixed page header, fixed page footer and a subreport (MBA007) in the detail section. And this is the subreport (MBA007): As you can see, the subreport is all about a detail section and in the middle of the editor there's a subreport (let's call it MBA007_1) which contains a list with a variable number of elements. If I run the parent report (MBAXXX) and the result of the subreport (MBA007 due to MBA007_1 dimension) is smaller than the max dedicated detail band dimension (A4 minus page header and page footer dimension) I have no problem and I get a perfect one-page report (condition: MBA007_1 list contains 0-1 elements) If I run the report and the result of the subreport is big enough to "force" a second page, I get a perfect two-page report (condition: MBA007_1 list contains 3+ elements) The real problem is when the detail section of my parent report is closer to the max dedicated detail band dimension (A4 minus page header and page footer dimension) and the result should be a "perfect" one-page report (without empty space between detail and page footer sections) (condition: MBA007_1 list contains 2 elements) Running the parent report in this last condition I get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space It seems like an infinite loop to me, and I can't understand how this could happen; the reason should be something about parent report calling subreport, but I'm not getting it! :-( In fact, If I run the subreport alone(MBA007) I get perfect results without problems in every condition (no matter how many elements MBA007_1 contains) EDIT: yesterday I had a similar issue with another subreport (same scenario) Instead of having a Java Heap Space Error, the parent report generated 996 pages (with the same content) of the same single expected page (running time about 15 min, when a "normal" run takes more ore less a few seconds) Thanks in advance, Fabio
  2. Hi c-box Thanks for the ideas! (Fortunately) I'm not at work now, but on Monday I'll try to follow your hints. Best regards Fabio
  3. Hi guys, I'm dealing with A4 portrait reports. when I launch a signle stand alone report, the output is fine, as you can see: -Header -Detail -Some space to fill the A4 portrait format -PageFooter EDITOR (MBAXXX) OUTPUT My problems start when I call that report N times(by the way, once or N-times make no difference) from a parent report, as you can see: EDITOR (MBAXXX_BATCH) OUTPUT As you can see, the output of the MBAXXX_BATCH report modifies the output of MBAXXX report (for all the N-pages), shrinking the space between detail and footer. Am I missing anything? Is there a way to mantain the space between detail and footer using the parent report (MBAXXX_BATCH) as a simple wrapper that launches N-times MBAXXX? Thanks in advance. Fabio
  4. Hi all guys, I have this main report (A4 portrait with a mono-record select) with some subreports. Please pay attention to the one with the red border Here's a quick view of the subreport in the editor and a simple preview. Please note that results are displayed in 2 columns (correctly): When I run my main report, the output is something like this: As you can see, the result of my subreport is shown on just one column; and if the subreport had more results, I wouldd obtain just a longer column which would hide the barcode below in the "third" section of the main report. Am I missing something? Why does the subreport show a one-column result if I call it from the main report instead of the 2 column result I get running by itself? PS: I'm using iReport 1.2.6 (I know it's old but i HAVE to) Thanks in advance Fabio
  5. Hi all, I'm having this weird behaviour while showing only the string "EP" in the column Contratto. (see red circles in first and third columns) My textbox is big enough to show bigger strings without any problem (See "ERED" in the same colum, second row). Running my report in Preview mode on iReport I don't have any problem and I see the string "EP" in line, but when I run it on jasperserver (4.1.3) it seems like there's a NewLine between E and P as shown. The EP string doesn't contain special characters, so I'm asking you guys: Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi guys! I'm facing a strange behaviour dealing with the title header band. If I set its height to 36 there's no problem, but if I raise it to 40 when I run my report (who calls other subreports) I see the first page with only the title (and nothing else for the rest of the page), then from page 2 all my report is correct. Basically my reports under these conditions starts from page 2. I can't figure out where is the problem. How can that height change my layout? Below the attachments Thanks in Advance
  7. Maybe I'm not understanding... Is the subreport always the same? let's assume your select is something like this: select * from numbers where value <=3 In your detail band, you put every text field you want, and then you add the subreport call. So for every iteration of the loop you'll get your dataset from the query and the subreport... I repeat: maybe I'm not getting the point.
  8. Hi guys! I'm facing a strange behaviour dealing with the title header band. If I set its height to 36 there's no problem, but if I raise it to 40 when I run my report (who calls other subreports) I see the first page with only the title (and nothing else for the rest of the page), then from page 2 all my report is correct. Basically my reports under these conditions starts from page 2. I can't figure out where is the problem. How can that height change my layout? Below the attachments Thanks in advance! Post Edited by panto at 08/16/2012 11:55
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