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Everything posted by gr33nhat

  1. Hey everybody, right now I'm trying to use the webservice functions from jasperserver (ce). but if I try to use this http string : http://localhost:8082/jasperserver/rest/login?j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin I get this failure message: The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XML document must have a top level element. Error processing resource 'http://localhost:8082/jasperserver/rest/login?j_user... and if I wanna use http://localhost:8082/jasperserver/rest_v2/reports/samples/AllAccounts/inputControls/ I get this one. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> - resource.not.found Resource URI:/samples/AllAccounts Type:com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.InputControlsContainer not found - URI:/samples/AllAccounts Type:com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.InputControlsContainer could anyone hel me, please? greetings benedikt
  2. Here my solution..., $R{key.printdate}+": " + new SimpleDateFormat($R{key.datum}).format(new java.util.Date()) the formation rules are now in my bundle.properties
  3. Hey addmaths.., yes your right both are not certified but JBoss 5.1 is running for sure. Here a lil tutorial. Herunterladen von jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0-bin.zip anschließendes entpacken. Herunterladen von postgressqlserver.exe anschließendes installieren. Wechsel in das Verzeichnis ...\buildomatic\sample_conf des Jasperreportserver und kopieren der postgresql_master.properties in das Verzeichnis ...\buildomatic\ des Jasperreportserver. Umbenennen postgresql_master.properties in default_master.properties. Die Umbenannte default_master.properties dem Editor öffnen. Ändern der Daten wie im unteren Codeabschnitt(Achtung Pfadangaben mit \\ trennen und auf eingenen Pfad anpassen!) und anschließendes speichern # application server type (default is tomcat6) # appServerType = tomcat6 # appServerType = tomcat5 appServerType = jboss # appServerType = jboss7 # appServerType = glassfish2 # appServerType = glassfish3 # (beta) appServerType = weblogic # (beta) appServerType = websphere # appServerType = skipAppServerCheck # Tomcat app server root dir # appServerDir=C:\jasperreports-server-4.7/apache-tomcat #appServerDir = c:\\apache-tomcat-6.0.26 # appServerDir = /home/devuser/apache-tomcat-6.0.26 # appServerDir = /var/lib/tomcat6 # JBoss app server root dir appServerDir = C:\\jboss-5.1.0 # appServerDir = /home/devuser/jboss-5.1.0 # appServerDir = /usr/bin/jboss Aufrufen CMD --> c: --> cd C:\jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0-bin\buildomatic --> js-install-ce.bat Anschließen sollte Build succesfull kommen. Starten über http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/ Anschließen sollte Build succesfull kommen.Sry but right now I have no time for translation. Hope it will help you a bit. greetings benedikt
  4. Hello everybody..., I tyring to make an international report. On this way i need a dateformat change. For Example: My System date is right now european/berlin 27.08.12 on the same time an other guy is using this report too. But he's sitting in america his date on the document should be 08-27-12 how can I make it for every timezones automaticly? Thanks a lot Benedikt
  5. Hello gdmoreno, Thank you for the good support. I'm still working on my topics :-( Now I'm working on to find a way include the JBoss 6.0.0 final. I can't find something good on the internet. My steps were..., build the war file successful (I changed the default_master.propertie) Now i'd tryed to start the server but now I have some exceptions. I had to fix the case sensitivity exceptions (EMPTY --> empty) after I fixed the Owasp.CsrfGuard.tld But now I should delete some .jars I don't know if I'm on the right way or not. I hope you can help me I become insane slowly :-(. Thanks a lot Benedikt
  6. I've found a solution for the above failure... ...But still I would like to have a how to for installing JBoss 6.0.0 final. it would be realy nice :-) Code: Post Edited by gr33nhat at 08/14/2012 12:19
  7. Hey everbody...., i have trouble doing integrate the JBoss 6.0.0 final to my jasperserver 4.5 ce. My first steps were: 1. copied the postgres_master.properties into my buildomatic folder. 2. renamed it to default_master.properties 3. edit the propertie file: # application server type (default is tomcat6) # appServerType = tomcat6 # appServerType = tomcat5 # appServerType = tomcat7 appServerType = jboss # appServerType = glassfish2 # appServerType = glassfish3 # (beta) appServerType = weblogic # (beta) appServerType = websphere # appServerType = skipAppServerCheck # Tomcat app server root dir # appServerDir = C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0 # appServerDir = /home/devuser/apache-tomcat-6.0.32 # appServerDir = /var/lib/tomcat6 # JBoss app server root dir appServerDir = C:\jboss-6.0.0.Final # appServerDir = /home/devuser/jboss-5.1.0 # appServerDir = /usr/bin/jboss 4. build was running succesfull. 5. tryed to start the jboss 6.0.0 final but it doesn't work. 6. taked the log files and triyed to fix the java exceptions. First it were a couple uppercase to lowercase changes for example EMPTY i change it to empty. 7. Now I have these failure i don't know how to fix it. Code: Do have anyone any idea how to fix the Jboss 6.0.0 final problem? I feel obliged. Thanks u in advance! greetings gr33nhat Post Edited by gr33nhat at 08/14/2012 07:06
  8. hi gdmoreno, thank you for all your inforamations! It helps me a lot :-) The problem is i have to use the community edition first. But for understanding how it works I installed the 30 days trial. Here I fixed the default_master.properties with the sql server informations. I edit just the host, user, password and port. After I went to cmd .../buildomatic/ --> js-install.bat --> build succesfull then i copied the licence to the folder. After all I opend firefox http://localshost:8080/jasperserver-pro/ but it doesnt work do you know what could I do?
  9. Thank you gdmoreno, thank you for answering . I'm using the JasperReportsServer the first time. I'm trying the non comercial v. 4.5 for testing first . I'd triyed this but could you say me with which statement how i can get the jasperserver & posgress database includes the tables. Could you explain it step by step how to do this and after how i can import in mssqlserver. sorry for my helplessness :-( Thank you so much for helping me. Greetings gr33nhat Post Edited by gr33nhat at 08/08/2012 11:17
  10. Hey everybody..., i have the following problem. I wanna try to replace the postgressql database to a MS SQLServer database. My question 1: How can I transfer the psogressql databasefiles(tables) to the new MS SQLServer? My next steps are include the new MS SQLServer instead of the postgres and instead of using the tomecat i should use the JBoss 6.0.0 My question 2: Have someone an Idea how to do this? It's would be nice if someone could explaine these steps. Greetings and thanks a lot
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