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Everything posted by jprateragg

  1. I wanted to experiment with these features, but I was unsure if they were included in the community version (4.7). I was looking at the "Compare Editions page (http://www.jaspersoft.com/editions) and it says the Community edition supports data integration, but I don't see where I can start using this to start collecting data from one of our databases into a "data warehouse" type fashion. Thanks!
  2. I'm setting up a test environment for our Jasper server. When performing a fresh installation, are you required to use postgresql database server? Or can we use MySQL? We have a production MySQL server we use in our organization (financials, accounting, CRM, phone system, etc.) and would rather use that databse instead of having a separate database to manage. Thanks!
  3. I'm running 4.5 on Windows 2008 R2. I'd like to upgrade to 4.7. I don't see any instructions on how to perform an upgrade. Are there instructions on this website? Or do you simply install on top of the existing installation? Thanks!
  4. I got it fixed. My input control didn't have the same name as my parameter. I was unaware that the input control name was case-specific to the parameter name. I changed the input id characters to all upper case (to match the parameter) and it works fine now.
  5. I'm using iReport 4.6 to design a report querying a MySQL database. I created a new parameter and used the parameter class java.util.date (only want the date, not time too). When previewing the report, it works fine in iReport. When I deploy the report and run it on the server, the date format is different, and after selecting a date where I know data exists, I get a message saying the report is empty. How can I fix this? I'm using JasperReports Server 4.5 on Windows. Thanks!
  6. I had to go back in the XML and delete all of the uuid attributes, but after that the report ran just fine. Thanks!
  7. I'm using iReport 4.6 and JasperReports Server 4.5. I just created my first report in iReport using our financial database on our MySQL server as the data source. I've gone to Preview and it looks perfect. How do I get this report into the Reports Server? I've looked through the documentation, but I can't seem to find anything. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong spot. We're running our server on Windows Server 2008. I originally opned the Repository Navigator, created a new folder, and clicked "Add > JasperServer Report" But when I run the report, I get a big error. I've attached the error. Thanks! Post Edited by jprateragg at 08/14/2012 14:51
  8. Nevermind. I discovered this was possible after reading the documentation for iReport.
  9. I just installed the latest version of JasperReports Server and iReport. We are looking into using this software for document generation (as well as report generation). Our documents consist of several pages with each page requiring 4-5 queries to pull the necessary data. Is this possible? It seems I can only have a single query. I've attached a sample page from one of the pages in the document. Is something like this possible? Thanks!
  10. I was referred to the Jasper Reporting Server by a colleague. We want to be able to generate reports for data in a production MySQL database. Does Jasper support MySQL as a source? Where would I add the source--using iReport or another location? Thanks!
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