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Everything posted by cjasper

  1. select the text fields which you don't want to show and in the properties there is property Print When Expression. there you have to set the condition.
  2. You can try using the printwhenExpression on the column field and header. something like $P{chkbox2}=='true'. where chkbox2 is something that you are returning from your netbeans project.
  3. Hi @DocJones, I am using a simple query in my cascading input control "select EXTRACT(MONTH FROM DATE $P{input_date}) as converted_date ;". where input_date is of type Date.It's simply not working giving an error unable to execute the cascading input control error.Can you please help me on this Thanks
  4. Thanks for replying.Can we have charts through ireport like, when we add a chart in msexcel. the rows and columns beside the charts in msexcel are not effected by the charts.I am having an issue where the chart positions itself in a cell and because of which the cells and rows adjacent to it gets messed up. i have posted the images here to be more clear .Please have a look http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13533693/excel-chart-property
  5. Hi . this is the method i used to customize it public void customize(JFreeChart chart, JRChart jasperChart) { Plot plot = chart.getPlot(); if (plot instanceof CategoryPlot) { CategoryPlot catPlot = (CategoryPlot) plot; BarRenderer renderer = (BarRenderer) catPlot.getRenderer(); //ser bar widht renderer.setMaximumBarWidth(0.07); //set margin between two bar('of one year') renderer.setItemMargin(0.0f); NumberAxis leftNumberAxis = (NumberAxis) catPlot.getRangeAxis(); leftNumberAxis.setUpperMargin(0.30); leftNumberAxis.setNumberFormatOverride(new NumberFormat() { @Override public StringBuffer format(double number, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos) { return new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(number).concat("%")); } @Override public StringBuffer format(long number, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos) { return new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(number).concat("%")); } @Override public Number parse(String source, ParsePosition parsePosition) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } }); } }
  6. hi @ajinkya_c .Thanks for the reply.I did this using customizer class.I will try this option too.
  7. I am having an issue which is can we add the “%” in the value axis. e.g. instead of (0,5,10…..) in the y axis can we have (0.0 % , 5.0% , 10.0%).the “value axis tick level mask” mask is not working in jasper server. the thread "http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/539134/value-axis-tick-label-expression-timeseries-chart-ireports#comment-800971" relates closely to my problem. I have attached the images.The required.jpeg file is what actually needs to be done and current chart,jpeg shows what i am actually getting. Thanks
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