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  1. Dear All, Kindly help for the process of conversion for oracle forms RDF report to ireports jrxml file. Please provide your inputs as soon as possible. Thanks.
  2. Hi, Please tell me how to insert rows into a table as soon as possible ?i wnt to make empty table of 7 rows but only 5 rows are coming when creating an empty table! Post Edited by krati14tcs at 09/20/2012 06:45
  3. Code:Hi,how can i remove gridlines in the exported excel reports. plz reply asap. thnxs in advance
  4. Hi, i want to export report in excel having multiple sheets.my report consists of many subreports. i had seen many solutions in many forums but could not understand java codes,plz tell me solution which works through ireport only or plz explain how to get java coding of ireport asap. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi gdmoreno, Thanx for the reply.yes,am using ireport for generating the reports using oracle database. but i want it to integrate with oracle apps,so that input will be given through oracle apps(as a front end) and report must be generated dynamically through ireport.
  6. Hi, Plz help in how to integrate ireport with oracle apps asap! Thnx
  7. Hi, Plz tell how to intergrate oracle apps with ireport asap. is it necessary to have jasperserver for this integration? thnx, krati
  8. Hi, Dashboard would be created using both ireport and jasperserver.report creation part will be on ireport and hyperlinks part should be through jasperserver.
  9. Hi, i want to apply condition in chart, for eg; if a<50 den colour of bar should be red,50<a<90 den colour should be yellow and a>90then it should be green.for this i had applied a conditional statement just for red and green colour. ($F{A} .doubleValue() < new java.math.BigDecimal(90.0).doubleValue() ? "FF3333":"FF0000") But it checks for only the first entry coming from the database and leaves the rest data entries. so,what to do,should use loop and if yes them how to use loop. Plz help asap.
  10. Hi, Nowhere in the tutorial,about map is given.Plz help in how to use map in report.
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