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  1. Thanks Lisa.. This helps. It removes all the pagination and put all the record in one big page. Still printing this report is also an issue. Any thoughs on that ? Post Edited by dhavalpatel_m at 07/24/2012 07:04
  2. Hi, Greetings. I have one question regarding the I-report design. Please find my report desing image in 'Image1.jpg'. The problem is when there is much data in the last table columns (Ex: TestCase or Objective etc.) it transfers the data into the second page and it looks bit bad. Can i get some way to keep data in one page and if limit exceeds then and then it transfer the data into the second page. Let me know if anyone has some good work around or solution for this. Your help will be appreciated. Let me know If any doubt or having problem in problem understading. I'll write in more details. thanks. -D
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