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  1. I sincerely appologize if this isn't the right place for this question. I have no idea where else to ask and don't want to spenda lot of time learning a product only to find out it won't do what I need it to do. I work at a travel agency. We often create highly customized itineraries for our clients. and would like a standardized way to provide clients with an itinerary without each agent having to create one from scratch every time. Here's what I'd like to see happen - the agent fills out a form with travel details - Departure air schedule (could be more than one segment so would like the option to "add a segment" when needed but only have one when not) Hotel details (name, address, insert photo, confirmation number etc.) Cruise confirmation details if needed as well as daily cruise itinerary and daily shore excursions or appointments that have been made. Car rental Transfers activities Restaurant reservations return flights... What I think I'd like are individual "segments" or days... the form starts with one segment within the segment is the option to choose which componant of the trip is required for that segment (air, hotel, car, tour etc.) After choosing the component, fields related to that component are able to be filled out. Then the agent can "Add a Segment" and repeat the process. Ideally segments can be added later, in the middle, moved around etc. So, that's all form stuff. THEN I would like the information created in the form to be exportable to a nice pdf, pre-formatted and able to accept the information entered into the form and spit out a standard looking itinerary. Here's an example: http://www.privateguided.com/quote/266036Car2 Is any of this possible using iReport?
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