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  1. I recently upgraded a jasper server to 6.2.1 from 4.5 and previously we were able to call a report from a URL for example: AND the report would diplsay as PDF in the browser window. In version 6.2.1, the same URL diplays the jasper server web interface and is re-requesting the input paramter (i.e. ID). When the ID is re-entered and submitted then the report does generate but is displayed in a new window as HTML. Can someone please explain what possibly changed? Thank you in advance!
  2. Hello All: I've created a report in IReport with a dynamic query such that the query is adjusted depending upon the existence of a input parameter. In other words the query parameters are appended to the SQL statement depending upon whether or not a parameter is empty. The query looks like this: SELECT alpha_FILLDATA."FillDate", alpha_FILLDATA."FillAmount", alpha_FILLDATA."InvoiceNo", alpha_MTRDATA."Well_Name", alpha_OPFILE."OpName" FROM { oj ("gas"."dbo"."alpha_FILLDATA" alpha_FILLDATA INNER JOIN "gas"."dbo"."alpha_MTRDATA" alpha_MTRDATA ON alpha_FILLDATA."OpCode" = alpha_MTRDATA."Op_Code" AND alpha_FILLDATA."WellCode" = alpha_MTRDATA."Well_Code") INNER JOIN "gas"."dbo"."alpha_OPFILE" alpha_OPFILE ON alpha_MTRDATA."Op_Code" = alpha_OPFILE."OpCode"} $P!{OpParm.Value} ORDER BY alpha_FILLDATA."FillDate" DESC Please notice the $P!{OpParm.Value}. The Default Value Expression for OpParm.Value is set to: ($P{OpParm}.isEmpty()==true ? "" : " where alpha_OPFILE.OpCode='" + $P{OpParm} + "'") Sooo...If OpParm is not empty the query should dynamically end up looking like this: SELECT alpha_FILLDATA."FillDate", alpha_FILLDATA."FillAmount", alpha_FILLDATA."InvoiceNo", alpha_MTRDATA."Well_Name", alpha_OPFILE."OpName" FROM { oj ("gas"."dbo"."alpha_FILLDATA" alpha_FILLDATA INNER JOIN "gas"."dbo"."alpha_MTRDATA" alpha_MTRDATA ON alpha_FILLDATA."OpCode" = alpha_MTRDATA."Op_Code" AND alpha_FILLDATA."WellCode" = alpha_MTRDATA."Well_Code") INNER JOIN "gas"."dbo"."alpha_OPFILE" alpha_OPFILE ON alpha_MTRDATA."Op_Code" = alpha_OPFILE."OpCode"} where alpha_OPFILE.OpCode='" + $P{OpParm} + "'" ORDER BY alpha_FILLDATA."FillDate" DESC This works GREAT when running it within IReport but when I copy the report to JasperServer, I get an error: Error executing SQL statement. My question is why does this not work in JasperServer? Shouldn't the Parameter expression be evaluated before execution?
  3. Hello all. I had some trouble getting started migrating from Crystal to Jasper and I'm so close. Here's the original forum post in the Jasper Library forum (http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/543233/getting-sub-report-print-columns). I'm hoping the iReport forum gets a little more traffic. Anyway, I'm trying to get labels to show up to the left of each row. I found a post that pointed me in the right direction (http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/542411/column-layout-label-left) however In my case I had to embed a subreport within a subreport in which the top level sub-report dataset ONLY produces a single record and I suspect that is why I'm only seeing the lables print once. I've attached the master report (gas.jrxml) and the two sub-reports as well as the example of the sub-report when printed. In essence I need the labels to show up for each row. I've tried print expressions to no avail as well as 'Print Repeated Values'...nothing seems to work. Any words of wisdom would be much appreciated....
  4. I was able to get all of my records to show up in the columns bu using this post as an example (http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/542411/column-layout-label-left). In my case I'm using a sub-report within a sub-report. The problem I'm having now is I can not get the label to show up in the first column of every row. I suspect it's because the first sub-report dataset ONLY produces a single record from the query. Attached are my reports and an example. How can I get the lables to display with every new row? I've tried print expressions to no avail...
  5. HELP....I was able to get this data to print successfully in colums per my previous post. However I'm having an issue getting the ALL the records to show up in the report. For instance for a particular customer I know for a fact that the query will retreive 21 records but due to the way the report is displaying the records and the first column has the row description, the report only correctly diplays 18 of the 21 records in column format and the additional records are overflowing off of the page. Please see the attached test.pdf and you'll notice the records running off of teh side I've also attached the jrxml file for the report. My question is how can I get the data to overflow into the next column instead of overflowing off of the document? Thanks!
  6. I found the answer in this post from a different site in case it helps someone else: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4294779/evenly-spreading-data-in-to-multiple-columns
  7. Here's the query used for the subreport datasource. Parameters are passed from the Main report to the subreport: SELECT MASTER1."Idx", MASTER1."OpCode", MASTER1."WellCode", MASTER1."CCode1", MASTER1."CCode2", MASTER1."AnalNr", MASTER1."FromDate", MASTER1."ToDate", MASTER1."SmplDate", MASTER1."Tech", MASTER1."FlowPress", MASTER1."Temperature", MASTER1."H2S", MASTER1."N2", MASTER1."CO2", MASTER1."C1", MASTER1."C2", MASTER1."C3", MASTER1."IC4", MASTER1."NC4", MASTER1."IC5", MASTER1."NC5", MASTER1."C6P", MASTER1."SPG", MASTER1."BTU", MASTER1."GPM", MASTER1."ZFactor", MASTER1."SmpSource", MASTER1."PBase", MASTER1."CylPSIG", MASTER1."CylNr", MASTER1."Remark", MASTER1."Foreman", MASTER1."Flowing", MASTER1."LabTech", MASTER1."Gauge_Atmos", MTRDATA."Cust_Code1", MTRDATA."Cust_Code2", MTRDATA."Cust_Code3", MTRDATA."Cust_Code4", MTRDATA."Well_Name", MTRDATA."County", MTRDATA."State", MTRDATA."Field", MTRDATA."Location", MTRDATA."Formation", OPFILE."OpName" FROM { oj ("MASTER1" MASTER1 INNER JOIN "MTRDATA" MTRDATA ON MASTER1."OpCode" = MTRDATA."Op_Code" AND MASTER1."WellCode" = MTRDATA."Well_Code") INNER JOIN "OPFILE" OPFILE ON MASTER1."OpCode" = OPFILE."OpCode"} where MASTER1."OpCode" = $P{opcode} and Master1."WellCode" = $P{wellcode} The query returns the correct results I just can't get the records to display within report properly. Thanks!
  8. OK...in iReport I created a Group to group on a parameter to which I know would be unique. I then set the 'Start on New Colum' value to true in the Group Header. Now the subreport spreads each record to a new page and not to a new column. I do not have the 'Start on new page' option ticked???
  9. Hello all: I'm migrating a report from Crystal to Jasper and I've created a sub-report that works fine but I'm having a hard time getting the data to display in column format. The below screenshot is from the Crystal Report and notice how the data is displayed in column format and screenshot below that is the Jasper version and the data is displayed in row format. How do I get the Jasper sub-report to display the records in columns? Crystal: Jasper:
  10. Hello all: I'm migrating a report from Crystal to Jasper and I have a question.... I have a dataset that contains numerical constants that are needed to perform a series of calculations that will ultimately be displayed in a text field. The necessary values are retrieved via a query parameter based upon a text string. My question is how can I use the field expression editor to pass a parameter to the dataset query in order to retrieve the correct values necessary for a calculation? The results of the calculation would then be displayed in the text field. If it helps, I'm using the constants stored in the datset to calculate the properties of certain natural gas components (i.e. methane and propane). The calculations are things like BTU, GPM, and Specific Gravity. Thanks.
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