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  1. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/localizing-reports-tibco-jasperreports-server-respect-time-zones
  2. Hi, Xue, Try to set the server timezone to UTC since your timezone on server is UTC set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Duser.timezone=<server_timezone> Also check WEB-INF/AppllicationContext.xml, bean id="userTimeZonesList", make sure you have <value>Etc/UTC</value>. Then use "Use database setting" for the database setting on the data source. Let me know if this makes any difference. Thanks, Bing
  3. Installing PhantomJSBefore you run this sample, you will need to install PhantomJS following this wiki article: Custom Visualization Component v6.0.x: How to run the Samples Live Feed JSON DataThis sample use this JSON data stream: http://feeds.bayareabikeshare.com/stations/stations.json The data is updated every five minutes. Installing the Map SampleDownload the sample from this page: leafletmarkers_0.zip From Jaspersoft Studio select File > Import then select General > Existing Projects into Workspace Go to Preference>Resource Folders >Custom Visualization Component, add the LeafletMarkers project to the components path. You are ready to do the map. Creating a Live Feed MapCreate a JSON data adaptor: Parametrize the JSON data: Add the CVC map component: Configure the Markers: Add JSON data source on the JasperReports Server: By Default, JSON data source is not enabled. You can enable JSON data source on the server following this link: TIBCO JasperReports Server Administration Guide » Data Sources Publish the Map on the Server and Celebrate! For the step by step guide, see this screencast movie, and the json_map_export.zip®json_map_export.zip. leafletmarkers_0.zip json_map_export.zip
  4. The code works for me on my localhost. I am wondering if your password and username are not correct. Also, if you has a few organizations on JRS, he needs to add the organization id. <span style="font-size:12px;"><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><script src="http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/client/visualize.js?logLevel=debug"></script><title>My Report</title></head><body><script>visualize({auth: {name: "jasperadmin", password: "jasperadmin", organization: "organization_1"}}, function (v) {var report = v.report({resource: "/public/Samples/Reports/9.CustomerDetailReport",container: "#container"});});</script><div id="container"></div></body></html></span>
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