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Everything posted by mastereh

  1. someone please help me. I don't want to remake all my tables.
  2. I created a table, but now need to modify it. So I added a column, but it does not follow the colour format I had selected for the table. How do I go about modifying the colour theme for a table I have already created? Thanks
  3. I have a table which stores the Date of birth for various policy holders. I am trying to create a report that summarizes how many clients are of a particular age. Ie Number of policy holders under 25 | Number of policy holders 25 and over 5000 | 4000 Does anyone know how I can write my sql to have today's date - the DOB field = age? Thanks.
  4. I created something recently where I had a table with the following data: Total number of policies | Total number of Auto | Total Number of Property In my case the Total Auto + Total Property had to equal Total Policies. I created 3 seperate tables, each with their own SQL queries. These were my three queries: 1) SELECT count(Policy."PolicyNum") AS Total_Policies FROM "dbo"."Policy" Policy INNER JOIN "dbo"."PolicyTerms" PolicyTerms ON Policy."PolicySK" = PolicyTerms."PolicySK" WHERE PolicyTerms."TermStatus" = 'Active' and PolicyTerms."TermExpiry" >= $P{UV_Date} 2) SELECT count(Policy."PolicyNum") AS Total_Auto FROM "dbo"."Policy" Policy INNER JOIN "dbo"."PolicyTerms" PolicyTerms ON Policy."PolicySK" = PolicyTerms."PolicySK" WHERE PolicyTerms."TermStatus" = 'Active' and Policy."LineOfBusiness" in ('AP','AC') and PolicyTerms."TermExpiry" >= $P{UV_Date} 3) SELECT count(Policy."PolicyNum") AS Total_Property FROM "dbo"."Policy" Policy INNER JOIN "dbo"."PolicyTerms" PolicyTerms ON Policy."PolicySK" = PolicyTerms."PolicySK" WHERE PolicyTerms."TermStatus" = 'Active' and Policy."LineOfBusiness" in ('PC','PP' ) and PolicyTerms."TermExpiry" >= $P{UV_Date} For myself Line of business stores product info.
  5. nm figured it out. Turns out I shouldn't have had my tables in the Detail section of the page. I moved everything over to Summary and it worked perfectly.
  6. I've got a table which has multple columns, there should only be 1 row. For some reason when I create my program runs the table replicates itself over and over again. Any idea what could cause this?
  7. Thanks for those. In the end I want my table to look something like this: Total Policies | Total Auto | Total Property | Total Commercial 5000 | 2500 | 2000 | 500
  8. I'm trying to create a table which contains summarized data based on various functions. How do I have multiple steps calculated in iReport? Do I have to create multiple tables and then use the designer to have them sit next to each other? or should I create multple sub-reports (1 for each column)? First column: SELECT count(Policy."PolicyNum") AS Total_Policies FROM "dbo"."Policy" Policy INNER JOIN "dbo"."PolicyTerms" PolicyTerms ON Policy."PolicySK" = PolicyTerms."PolicySK" WHERE PolicyTerms."TermStatus" = 'Active' and PolicyTerms."TermExpiry" >= $P{UV_Date} Second Column : SELECT count(Policy."PolicyNum") AS Total_Auto FROM "dbo"."Policy" Policy INNER JOIN "dbo"."PolicyTerms" PolicyTerms ON Policy."PolicySK" = PolicyTerms."PolicySK" WHERE PolicyTerms."TermStatus" = 'Active' and Policy."LineOfBusiness" in ('AP','AC') and PolicyTerms."TermExpiry" >= $P{UV_Date} Third Column: SELECT count(Policy."PolicyNum") AS Total_Person_Auto FROM "dbo"."Policy" Policy INNER JOIN "dbo"."PolicyTerms" PolicyTerms ON Policy."PolicySK" = PolicyTerms."PolicySK" WHERE PolicyTerms."TermStatus" = 'Active' and Policy."LineOfBusiness" in ('AP') and PolicyTerms."TermExpiry" >= $P{UV_Date} Any suggestions on how to best do this would be great. Thanks.
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