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Everything posted by spierepf

  1. Greetings, I've upgraded from JasperServer 4.5.1 to 4.7, and I've noticed that the individual LoggedInUserAttribute_ entries in the parameter map appear to have vanished. As a result, my reports are now giving me a: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Parameter "LoggedInUserAttribute_market_tag" does not exist. error message when I attempt to run them. Anyone else experienced this issue?
  2. Worked like a charm! Awesome, thanks so much. Peter.
  3. Thanks gdmoreno, I was actually hoping for an instance of the: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.domain.User class. Any ideas? Peter.
  4. I am writing a custom data source that needs to identify the currently logged in user in order to correctly determine which database to connect to. How can I determine the currently logged in user from Java? Thanks, Peter.
  5. That is fine, except that my custom data source IS a JDBC connection. Right now, that connection is hard-coded, but eventually, the parameters of the connection will depend on the identity of the logged in user. Is there some way for me to convince the server that my custom data source is a jdbc connection, and that it should enable domains to be created against it? Peter.
  6. Greetings, I've created a custom data source (basically a hard-coded JDBC connection), and I've managed to add an instance of it to my repository as /public/myAwesomeDataSource. Now I am trying to create a domain for this data source. In the "Add New Domain" screen, I click on the Browse button for the Data Source text field. I open up the Public folder, and my data source doesn't appear. I've also tried to type /public/myAwesomeDataSource into the text field directly. When I do, the field turns red, and I get a "Data source cannot be found. Select another location." message. Any help would be appreciated. Peter.
  7. The first 'part' of the request is the resource descriptor: <resourceDescriptor name="file_test" uriString="/file_test" wsType="img"> <label>REST created resource</label> </resourceDescriptor>
  8. Greetings, I need to create a custom data source as described in chapter 4 of the 'Jasper Reports Server Ultimate Guide'. This data source needs to behave differently depending on the identity of the user requesting the report. I am trying to implement the ReportDataSourceService interface, in particular, the void setReportParameterValues(Map parameterValues) method. I'm looking for documentation concerning the contents of the parameterValues map. Thanks, Peter.
  9. Greetings, I am trying to create a simple file resource using the REST API provided by JasperReports Server. Here is the request I am sending, and the response I am receiving: POST /report/rest/resource/ HTTP/1.1Host: localhost:8080Accept: */*; q=0.5, application/xmlAuthorization: Basic c3VwZXJ1c2VyOnN1cGVydXNlcg==Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=550854Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflateContent-Length: 315--550854Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ResourceDescriptor"<resourceDescriptor name="file_test" uriString="/file_test" wsType="img"> <label>REST created resource</label></resourceDescriptor>--550854Content-Disposition: form-data; name="/file_test"this is the content of the file--550854-- and this is the response: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad RequestServer: Apache-Coyote/1.1Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=5DA46D965D0410186DABF835FC7B8BC0; Path=/report/; HttpOnlyContent-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8Content-Length: 22Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 20:36:27 GMTConnection: closePremature end of file. Has anyone had any success creating file resources using the REST service?
  10. Hello icecreaming, Thanks for your source code. I'm just not seeing where you use REST to contact the JRS to create or modify resources. Cheers, Peter. Post Edited by spierepf at 06/19/2012 13:19
  11. Greetings, I'm looking for some working source code for creating and modifying resources in a JRS repository; I've read through the documentation and I'm finding it very dense. I'm using Ruby's rest-client library. Any suggestions? Peter.
  12. I've installed TcpMon and captured the request: PUT /report/rest/resource/ HTTP/1.1Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=32032Accept: */*; q=0.5, application/xmlAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflateHost: localhost:8080Content-Length: 315Authorization: Basic c3VwZXJ1c2VyOnN1cGVydXNlcg==--32032Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ResourceDescriptor"<resourceDescriptor name="parent" wsType="folder" uriString="/parent" isNew="true"> <label>REST created folder</label> <resourceProperty name="PROP_PARENT_FOLDER"> <value>/</value> </resourceProperty></resourceDescriptor>--32032-- and the response: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad RequestServer: Apache-Coyote/1.1Cache-Control: privateExpires: Wed, 31 Dec 1969 20:00:00 ASTSet-Cookie: JSESSIONID=CC3CE809E753F21931A3558DEFCE5B90; Path=/report/; HttpOnlyContent-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8Content-Length: 27Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 20:56:47 GMTConnection: closeInvalid resource descriptor
  13. Greetings, I am trying to create a folder in the JRS repository using the REST service. I am using Ruby and the rest-client library to connect. So far, I've managed to read stuff from the repository, but I haven't had much luck with altering the repository contents. My test case is to create two folders at the root of the repository. A parent folder at /parent, and a child folder at /parent/child. Here is the resource descriptor of the parent folder. <resourceDescriptor name="parent" wsType="folder" uriString="/parent"> <label>REST created folder</label> <resourceProperty name="PROP_PARENT_FOLDER"> <value>/</value> </resourceProperty></resourceDescriptor> No matter what I try, I get an error 400 BadRequest, with a 'Invalid resource descriptor' message. Has anyone had any success with creating folders? Peter.
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