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Posts posted by dnaboka

  1. Such components are not officially supported. We don't develop them so we can't troubleshoot them. Our advise is to use JasperServer HTTP or REST API to run the report.

    This article demonstrated how to schedule a report via REST API using tREST component:


    To run a report, simply use /rest_v2/reports/ or /rest_v2/reportExecutions end-points instead as described in documentation:


  2. tjasperserverexec was designed a while ago and might not work correctly with recent versions of JRS. You should be using tRest component for web services. I designed an example job showing this functionality

    You can also install this plug-in, it will add Jaspersoft components like tJrsRestReportExec, tJrsRestResources etc:



  3. Default repository DB name is 'jasperserver'. Credentials depend on what you specified during installation (default_master.properties file in case WAR file was used).

    Although, you should upload resources by interacting with the application. You could use web UI (View/Repository then right-click on folder and select Add resource/File/Content Resource) or REST API web services to design a script/programm to automate the process.

  4. I can see all the columns have duplicate values. But what if 5th row has COL1 = "AP8" and/or 4th row has DATEVAL = "Apr 31, 2013" for example. What do you expect to see?

    You could try creating a derived table with distinct(COL1) syntax. Not sure the output will meet your needs though

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