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Everything posted by rzandonai

  1. no , but you can use that when you make export on your java source code Philips Healthcare - Tasy
  2. you whant do that? private void Tags(JasperPrint jasperPrint) { for (JRPrintPage currentPage : jasperPrint.getPages()) { List listElements = currentPage.getElements(); for (Object element : listElements) { if (element instanceof JRTemplatePrintText) { JRTemplatePrintText templatePrintText = (JRTemplatePrintText) element; if (templatePrintText.getKey() != null) { if (templatePrintText.getFullText().contains(":genId")) { templatePrintText.setText(""); } } } } Philips Healthcare - Tasy
  3. try to see what size buton have and change .jrxml after make .jasper. Philips Healthcare - Tasy
  4. Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("object", "teste"); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> params2 : params.entrySet()) { String Key = params2.getKey(); Object val = params2.getValue(); } i think this can help you
  5. get field problen and change the class to java.sql.timestamp and now after you do that if you wanna a string add after then .toLocalString()
  6. I make that, im my server source ( that side generate my pdf and jasper files) i make a new folder fonts and inside that i put .ttf´s and a fonts.xml and in ../ i make a jasperreports_extension.properties net.sf.jasperreports.extension.registry.factory.simple.font.families=net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontExtensionsRegistryFactory net.sf.jasperreports.extension.simple.font.families.gentium=fontes/fonts.xml and this is a part of my fontes/fonts.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <fontFamily name="Arial"> <normal>fontes\arial.ttf</normal> <bold>fontes\arialbd.ttf</bold> <italic>fontes\ariali.ttf</italic> <boldItalic>fontes\arialbi.ttf</boldItalic> <pdfEncoding>Identity-H</pdfEncoding> <pdfEmbedded>true</pdfEmbedded> <exportFonts> <export key="net.sf.jasperreports.html">'Arial', Helvetica, sans-serif</export> <export key="net.sf.jasperreports.xhtml">'Arial', Helvetica, sans-serif</export> </exportFonts> </fontFamily> i make a full fonts. xml project inside gettin all ttf´s and put inside my ./fonts/ if you need anything =D
  7. you can add in your jasperreports.properties net.sf.jasperreports.awt.ignore.missing.font=true
  8. fonts.xml have the correts encodes? fonts and exporterkey? i have a problem witch that case to, you can pass your report.jrxml to take a look of problem?
  9. rzandonai


    Itext 2.1.7 have another type of license L GNU same then jasperreports the new itext 2.2+ have Affero gnu license. because that jasper dont use that library
  10. rzandonai


    see in jasperreport zip have itext in libs
  11. i need get Encode of ttf font too or if anyone know a source to insert that manual
  12. Have a problem when i use text witch font ARIAL and use Tab charcter see print anexed
  13. Hey, sry for my bad english but... There is my code to make fonts.xml if anyone know how to make to insert correct export in my fonts (get generic familis of a ttf file)? where is my code if anyone can help me ill be glad Code: Post Edited by rzandonai at 06/21/2012 18:45 Post Edited by rzandonai at 06/21/2012 18:47
  14. use reportdatasource , where is a exemple: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/datasource/index.html#javabeandatasources and pass that in your report i thing is that you need sry for my bad english =/
  15. one dos onedos yet its not a problen resolved
  16. i alread change the http://jasperforge.org/uploads/publish/jasperreportswebsite/trunk/faq.html?group_id=252#FAQ25 but dont work fine to me if anyone can give me a solution for this case ill be glad Post Edited by rzandonai at 06/08/2012 14:19
  17. Hi for all, sorry for my bad english but... have a problen when tryin pdf creation I use a lucida console font have a linespace problem to my pdf creation . alread import font im my fonts.xml <fontFamily name="Lucida Console"> <normal>fontes/lucon.ttf</normal> <pdfEmbedded>true</pdfEmbedded> <exportfontes> <export key="net.sf.jasperreports.html">Tahoma, 'Courier', Times, serif, lucon</export> <export key="net.sf.jasperreports.xhtml">Tahoma, 'Courier', Times, serif, lucon</export> </exportfontes> </fontFamily> and add lucon.ttf to my aplication /fonts/ and the font print fine (likes a lucida font) but have lineaspace problem if anyone have a solution i will be glad.
  18. Hi for all, sorry for my bad english but... have a problen when tryin pdf creation I use a lucida console font have a linespace problem to my pdf creation . alread import font im my fonts.xml <fontFamily name="Lucida Console"> <normal>fontes/lucon.ttf</normal> <pdfEmbedded>true</pdfEmbedded> <exportfontes> <export key="net.sf.jasperreports.html">Tahoma, 'Courier', Times, serif, lucon</export> <export key="net.sf.jasperreports.xhtml">Tahoma, 'Courier', Times, serif, lucon</export> </exportfontes> </fontFamily> and add lucon.ttf to my aplication /fonts/ and the font print fine (likes a lucida font) but have lineaspace problem if anyone have a solution i will be glad.
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