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  1. how do you declare userservice in userService.getUser?
  2. How is this declared: WSServiceFactory.getUserAndRoleManagement [/code]I am having problems simply adding a user and this is the missing component[/code]
  3. The Documentation has the following example of how to add a user from WebServices. What is the setting for "binding" Where and How is it declared? Code:WSUser user = new WSUser(); user.setUsername("john"); user.setTenantId("organization_1"); user.setEnabled(true); user.setFullName("John Doe"); WSRole role = new WSRole(); role.setRoleName("ROLE_ANONYMOUS"); role.setTenantId(null); user.setRoles(new WSRole[] {role}); WSUser value = binding.putUser(user);
  4. I am also realy strugelling with this issue. Where is the instance, which jar is it in. I want todo exactly the same thing, have spent the entire day on this with no result
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